Tuesday, December 29, 2009

1901 Diary

Jan 1 - First day of the new Century and it came in with the blowing of whistles, ringing of bells and the roar of cannons such as was never heard by mortal man, I think - it seemed as though the Century was ushered in with all the noise and tumult possible (even the prisoners at the penitentiary asked permission to blow the whistles, which was granted), Phil went to Wheeling this evening to make New Years calls (looked fine in his full dress suit!) Rev. Spurr, wife, son & Miss Ramsey (Kindergarten) spent the evening with us - had panned oysters & tea in "chafing dish". Mr. & Mrs. Brady over about 10:30PM for a short time. (Mr. Spurr, Brady & Lucien signed agreement for the organ (pipe).

Jan 2 - The weather clear this morning and sun shining brightly - no sun visible yesterday - A very grey day! Finished my delightful book - "A White Umbrella in Mexico" - it recalled all the scenes Lucien had described. Also commenced "Crittenden - A Kentucky Story of Love & War", did not enjoy it as much as the Mexico story. Phil's friend, Mr. Sharp (also traveling man for the factory) here all night. He and I played Dutch Whist whilst Lucien and Phil worked on stock books. Wrote Miss Hall and Antionette this morning.

Jan 3 - Adding a different trimming to my blk velvet waist to change the appearance. The club (Euchre) meets with Mrs. Weaver (Chris) this evening. Phil will go to Parish House for his evening meal. Lucien and I left before the prizes were given. Had a pleasant time. This day has been very bright but cold and heavy frost early this morning - almost zero. Letter from Aunt Beck thanking me for gift also letter from Mary Lewis on Wednesday.

Jan 4 - Another heavy frost this morning but sun came out, soon, bright and warm. Phil remained all night with Mr. Sharp at Parish House. Last night both Mrs. Weaver and myself had the same number of scores on cards, so Mr. Houck cut for me as I had left & Mrs. Weaver got it, which pleased me very much as I do not care for prizes. (China or Bisque were the ornaments). Mrs. Woodburn, wife of our grocer, died this morning.

Jan 5 - Went to Moundsville to market also to green-house - bought a primrose for the table and some lettuce. Lucien and Phil came home at 5:30, as Eugene Hildreth came after dinner & they found me making sausage. Phil and Eugene went to Parish House & spent the evening playing billiards; Eugene here all night. Lucien and I went to Dr. Bruce's and spent the evening, found Mrs. Bowly at the Cockaynes but she returned before we left.

Jan 6 -I went alone to Church this morning - Lucien working on his price list - Phil & Eugene decided not to go. Eugene left for home about 4:30PM. Phil went to Moundsville soon after. At 6:30PM Lucien & I started on foot for church at Moundsville, got there just a little late. Came home in same car with the Spurr's and Brady's and all went to the Brady's for lunch and tea. Phil came on next car and stopped.

Jan 7 - Warmer this morning and cloudy all day. Mr. Bayless of Ky came in time for lunch & will be here all night. Always glad to see him. He is not looking so well.

Jan 8 - We all over-slept this morning & had to rush. Mr. Bayless off on the 7:50AM car as he is going to East Liverpool. Very bright this morning and warm. Cleaned up after lunch. First meeting of the stockholders for the new National Bank - Lucien Chairman of the meeting, also elected Vice President. Mr. Brady over this evening helping to close the books for the past year. I was over to Mrs. Brady's this afternoon. Mr. Spurr left for NY this evening. Phil went back to factory after dinner this evening.

Jan 9 - Raining this morning and very gloomy. Lucien not home to lunch. Went to Wheeling 1:50 and returned at 5:30PM - bought "silk bolting cloth" for Lucien's -----, also gold braid to trim a belt & collar of velvet. Brought home some ice cream as Annie Gayhart is coming down (she was office clerk both in Fostoria & a short time in Moundsville for Lucien). She brought me a hand'kf trimmed in lace she had made and a can of cherries for Lucien. She gets sort of home-sick to see us some times & must come down. Phil home all evening. After Annie left we all had a long talk on an important subject! Lucien has had the head-ache all day. Mrs. Bruce (Dr's wife) called whilst I was in Wheeling.

Jan 10 - Raining this morning. Lucien had the head-ache this morning. Went to meeting of the Guild this afternoon & walked up to meat market. Mr. & Mrs. Brady came over after dinner with the plans of their new home although they have not decided on them. Phil went to Moundsville. Very gloomy all day. Annie Gayhart brought me a hd'kf trimmed with lace she made - I shall use it for a Doily.

Jan 11 - Raining this morning. Varnished the wicker & veranda chairs. Cinders & ashes fell on crossing in front of house today - sent from the mine. Mr. Bland Sr. up from the Hospital this evening - has come for an operation. Philip went to Parish House but came home early. Rained all day but growing colder to-night. Rev. Howard of St. Mathews preached this evening. He came to Mrs. Brady's for Tea.

Jan 12 - Philip's Natal day, so Lucien is to order for him some new cards and plate from Portman's Son, NY. Colder this morning and trying to snow. Bought for Phil a box of Lowery's fine Chocolates - also some English Walnuts. Went down to Moundsville to market some. Tommy telephoned this morning that he had telegraphed for his ticket to the West Indies. Played cards all evening with Phil & Lucien.

Jan 13 - Lucien & Phil went to church this morning. Tommy came early & brought all his pamphlets etc about his trip to the Orient - will visit the Holy Land, Turkey, etc. Tommy brought his books and Lucien posted them up to date. He left about 5:10PM . He sails on January 31st on the Augusta Victoria, Hamburg line. I got tea & Lucien & I went down after to see Mr. Lowe - office man. He is very sick; from there went to Dr. Bruce's & the Dr. opened his Christmas present, a bottle of "Angelica". Came home 10:30PM and found Philip home - had been to church. Phil lunched after we came home on switzer & bread. Bright all day.

Jan 14 - Cold this morning. Pd. Bertie this morning to date - also Woodburn's $7.00. Read the book Miss Lalain sent Phil as a birthday remembrance. The book came today. Also am reading "Elizabeth and her German Garden". Phil went to musical given by the "Elks" in Moundsville. Lucien and I went over to the Brady's and spent the evening. Mr. Graham there - came down to discuss with Lucien & Mr. Brady in regard to distribution of the earnings of the factory among the heads of departments. Commenced raining about 10:30, did not rain very much but remained cloudy the rest of the day.

Jan 15 -Lucien left for Pittsburgh 6:05AM. We were compelled to get up very early. Warmer this morning, bright and "sun-shinny". Went to Wheeling 1:30PM. Called on Mrs. Black and invited them down to dinner on Thursday of this week. Also called on Mrs. Norton & found her girls sick. Lucien ret'd from Pittsburgh 8PM with sick head-ache, so we retired early.

Jan 16 - So warm last evening we had to turn out one side of the furnace - blowing this morning & trying to rain. Has turned cooler this evening & I turned on the other side of heater in furnace.

Jan 17 - Cloudy today and trying to snow - colder. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Travis here for lunch, returned home about 4:50PM and immediately after I made my toilet for the "Euchre" party - At Mrs. Weaver's - Lucien dinned at noon & Phil went to Parish House for Supper. Had very pleasant time at club meeting - Mrs. Cox carried away first Prize - China Plate and Mrs. Hodgman a Stein. The fuse burned out in the parlor twice - lamps too strong for the wiring of their house. Electric lights on all day, so dark.

Jan 18 - Cleaning day. Not well, too luminous living the past day - sick head-ache all day. Very pretty party last night - the table lighted with the "Lustre" Candle Lights from the factory. Lucien went to Dr. Smith's to see if he could visit one of the factory men (Buck Brown) & if he was able to be removed to hospital - Dr. not home but Mrs. Smith came up after the Dr. returned, as the Dr. had to take a man to the hospital & could not come & Lucien explained to him. I retired early as I was suffering intensely with head-ache. Very cold this evening.

Jan 19 - The wind blew a perfect gale about 4AM. We felt the house move very perceptibly - almost a hurricane it seemed but at dawn it quieted down. The sun has come out this morning very brightly also warm. Went to Moundsville to do some marketing this morning. Bought & cut out three gingham aprons & completed the pink one. All the family home all evening & so played cards after Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright called to see Lucien on business. Very cold tonight. Pd Fred Cartwright 30 cents for " " to date. Lucien knocked against fine lamp - breaking it into a thousand pieces it seems. Letter from Mrs. Bayless.

Jan 20 - All went to Church this morning & the Church so cold I left and went to Dr. Bruce's. After Church Lucien went to Parish House to see an applicant for the Cashier of the new National bank. Warmer at noon and thawing. Mr. Hodgman came up with man from Pittsburgh who applied for position as Cashier & Lucien went over to Brady's with them. Phil went to Church 7PM. Lucien & I went to Dr. Bruce's and Phil came after Church with Mrs. Bowly.

Jan 21 - Cloudy this morning. Took over to Mrs. Brady a piece of fruit cake. Cousin Mary McMeachim still with her but going home today. Rained most of the day. All home all evening.

Jan 22 - Phil has decided to leave for the East on Sat. going via Balt. & will meet brother Tommy in NY on Tuesday as brother sails for the "Holy Land", etc on Thursday the 31st of January. Lucien & Phil talked of Phil's trip and finally they thought of Cuba; so Phil will leave for Cuba after brother sails & try to see what can be done there in the way of business. Wrote Mrs. Bayless yesterday that Lucien & I will leave for New York about the 5th of February. Lucien, Phil and I went down to Mr. Douglas Bruce's this evening, met there Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Bowly & the Dr. came later (Douglas Bruce & wife keeping house at the McMeachim Mansion). The Bruce's took oysters & I took imported Switzer Cheese Sandwiches & ale - I panned the oysters.

Jan 23 - England's aged Queen succumbed to the hand of death at 6:40PM Tuesday, January 22nd and Edward VII reigns. The Queen began to rule 1837. Her first illness in all of her 81 (eighty-one) years. Went up to Wheeling market this morning as Lucien is going to give a dinner tomorrow 7PM to all the heads of departments in factory. (Going to make it co-operative in factory). Bought rubber ball for closet this morning, ordered 14 molds of Ice Cream Cake & 1 gal select oysters & flowers for dinner tomorrow. Lucien writing Dividends (2nd Quarterly) this evening. The Brady's over this evening for a short time.

Jan 24 - Day of the dinner for heads of departments of factory. After Lunch laid the table for twelve (12), mixed the Roman Punch & went to meeting of Guild for a few moments. The table is very pretty - carnations and smilax - Ice Cream diamonds & squares, oyster soup, turkey, cranberry sauce, escalloped oysters, potatoes, English walnut & celery salad & steamed brown bread, Ice Cream & cake, Coffee. All seemed to enjoy it. Mr. Cartwright came up in time for dessert. Rained this afternoon but getting colder & trying to snow this evening. Lucien not very well. La Grippe.

Jan 25 - Very cold this morning - very little snow on the ground. Lucien did not get up until about an hour after the rest of the family. Still not feeling well. Quite tired today from the dinner last evening. Lucien and Phil home all evening, we talked & Phil sang a little also played the Piano & all retired early.

Jan 26 - Went to Moundsville to shop & market - bought some chamois & ribbon also medicine & pins. Made two medicine cases (one for Tommy & one for Phil) & filled them, filled with pins, "heart pin-cushion" I made for Tommy, will take all up to him this afternoon or evening as Lucien has an engagement at McLure with Mr. Tompson & Tommy has invited us to stay all night. Tommy leaves on Monday night for NY & will sail on the 31st. Phil left for Balt. about 5PM, will meed Tommy in NY & probably will leave for Cuba on Wed. 30th.

Jan 27 - Lucien & I went up to McLure last night - Lucien met the National men (Mr. Thompson & Mr. Stevenson, a wealthy banker of Pitts) & they want Lucien, again. Found Billy at McLure - had come to see Tommy off. Lucien fixed up Tommy's books and I packed his trunk. He had invited all of Sack's sisters and their husbands which made a party of ten in all. Surely Tommy outdone himself today - beautiful flowers on two tables and Champagne - we had to sit at the table with the Gutman girls, also Billy. All the party left after dinner but Lucien and I & Billy, we came home after supper. Certainly enjoyed our visit. So sorry to have Tommy go, but he needs a sea voyage; shall miss him more than I can tell. Snow enough today for sleighing.

Jan 28 - I went up to see Tommy off this afternoon - felt very badly to have him go so far! Brought home some oysters to take down to Dr. Bruce's this evening. Mr. Johns of Geo. R. Taylor Co. had my mu--- taken off & will send off for a new skirt (Taffeta all tucked). Lucien and I went to Bruce's about 8PM - Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bruce there so we played cards & had panned oysters in chafing dish also an oyster cocktail. Came home 11:10 car. Snowed a little today but we have had so extremely cold weather this winter. Lucien wrote Phil today at NY and I intend writing him in Cuba. Someone sent Tommy a fine umbrella today with his name engraved on it & Ed. Hazlett will take care of it for him as he was afraid of losing it on his voyage.

Jan 29 - A beautiful morning and the snow melting. Clayton Meyers going to leave the Brady's on Thursday and will work for the Paxton's. No one here almost all evening and talked of our boy.

Jan 30 - Tommy & Phil will meet in NY this morning, so I am mistaken they would meet on Tuesday instead. Must have snowed a great deal during the night as the paths are all covered again, but not very cold. Wrote Philip to Cuba today. Phil will sail at 3PM for Havana, Cuba. Lucien went to Pittsburgh this afternoon, will be gone until tomorrow. Mrs. Douglas Bruce called. Mrs. Brady came home.

Jan 31 - Beautiful & bright today, but cooler than yesterday. Lucien returned 11AM. I called at Mrs. Brady's this morning. Clayton (Col'd man) leaves today. Day of Euchre party - meets with Mrs. Cox. Tommy sails today for the Orient. Letter from Phil at NY. Lucien brought home the prize - a tobacco jar - we met with Mrs. Friend Cox and had a lovely time. Almost a dinner instead of a Tea. Colder this evening - ground still covered with snow. Letter from Nettie today.

Feb 1 - Beautiful morning but cold. Thermometer at zero this morning. Letter from Phil, put off the steamer at Sandy Hook - on his way to Cuba. Met Dr. Hupp Jr of Wheeling on the steamer going to Havana to the Dr's convention. Went to Moundsville this morning to market. Cleaning today, but am not well, that old calomel has made me very sick! Retired early.

Feb 2 - The roses came this morning a few days in advance for Mrs. Brady's birthday, but sent them over with an explanatory note. The roses are beautiful! Went to Moundsville this morning to market. The Brady's over this evening.

Feb 3 - Wretched morning - raining & snow melting very fast. Did not attend Church this morning - Mr. Spurr still away & Rev Hiatt filled his place (Episcopal Hiatt). Mr. Douglas Bruce here this afternoon & delivered his mother's message - an invitation to dinner tomorrow evening. Dr. Smith came over about 7PM & said the Brady's had telephoned us to turn out their lights - so they are not coming home tonight.

Feb 4 - Turned colder during the night & since has been blowing quite a gale. Philip would reach Cuba before this blow but I trust poor Tommy is not suffering from the gale. Commenced "Eleanor" yesterday & finished it last night. Lucien is delving in Italian literature. Lucien and I going to Dr. Bruce's tonight to dinner. Am writing Tommy, think I shall address Alexandria, Egypt. Wrote Nettie today, also acknowledged receipt of Tommy's Certificate to me in U.O.N.W. Snowing a little and getting colder.

Feb 5 - Very cold this morning. Had an ideal dinner of turkey last night at the Dr's, in company with Douglas & his wife. After played cards with all the family.

Feb 6 - Mrs. Brady over this morning. Am getting ready to leave for NY - will close up house, Bertie (the maid) will take the dog Dixie to her sisters to keep. (Bertie will not return to me), Lucien not home to Lunch but sent up for my trunk & I shall go to Wheeling via st car & Lucien via "O.R.R." Train leaves 3:45PM but found it 1:15 instead. Went to Duquesne for dinner and to lodge; will meet Mr. & Mrs. Bayless at the station about 7AM. Beautiful day.

Feb 7 - Went to Station about 7AM, incoming train late this morning. Got aboard about 8:30AM and the Bayless' went to dining car for breakfast & then came back to "Observation Car". Had dinner and supper on car - reached NY about 9:30PM & went to St. Denis & after looking at several rooms finally secured two adjoining. Lysle Bayless reached NY on Monday the 4th.

Feb 8 - All took breakfast together and Mrs. Bayless and I went with Mr. Bayless to Borgenfeldt's and then to Fostoria Office & from there to Davidson's & Lucien came after - bought at Davidson's some odd plates and bread & butter plates. All went to Astor House for Lunch. About 3PM Lucien went with Mrs. Bayless & I to Donchain Bros to look at Turkish rugs. In the evening went to Martin's for dinner - Lysle with us. Left at Tiffany's to be repaired Cameo pin, also bought fork (Tea to match dinner one).

Feb 9 - Wretched morning - snowing so Mrs. Bayless and I only shopped at Wannamaker's & McCreedy's. Lucien came home 3PM and we went up to the sores on 5th Ave - up above 29th St. On coming back to Hotel found Mr. Bayless and Lysle waiting for us as the night was bad. Concluded to drive here - St. Denis. Bought some Drawers today. How miserable the dinner & service - decided not to risk it again! Played cards all evening with Mr. Bayless & Lysle & Lucien. Letter from Phil - Havana Cuba.

Feb 10 - All went up to Gilsey House for breakfast, from there took 6th Ave elevated up to 155th St, where we took train for "Van Courtland Park" - old house not opened on Sunday only until 2PM to 5PM. Returned to Plaza Hotel for Lunch which was delightful. After lunch went up to the Speedway and found it intensely cold. Mrs. Bayless almost worn out. Went to Gilsey House and prepared ourselves for diner at " ". All tired tonight.

Feb 11 - Mrs. Bayless not well, wretched cold. All took breakfast at St. Denis. Mrs. Bayless wrote letter to Virginia. Beautiful morning. Visited all the Dry Goods Stores. Dined at Hotel Superior.

Feb 12 - Lincoln's birthday & consequently half holiday in NY. Bought some stockings yesterday & Hdk'fs. Beautiful morning so Mrs. Bayless and I took 3rd Ave Elevated to Brooklyn Bridge, crossed over on train & returned by Fulton Ferry, visiting Fulton Market and the "World Building". Ret'd to St. Denis for Lunch. Saw by the Herald that Tommy's steamer "Augusta Victoria" had reached Gibraltar safely. Met Lucien by appointment at 3PM at Donchain Bros and we bought one large rug for dining room @ $1.50 and a few small ones and I bought Lucien a small fine one "Sarok", I think @ $100.00. Mrs. Bayless bought one @ $1.75 and one at $65.00. Phil returned from Havana, Cuba.

Feb 13 - Phil & Dr. Hupp returned from Havana, Cuba yesterday afternoon. Phil had delightful voyage & trip. Dr. Congers in Havana, so Phil had all the advantages - attended reception banquets, etc, was also taken to coffee, sugar and tobacco plantations & in our factory each was given 50 fine cigars, 1 large cigar worth $1.25 and some cigarettes. He brought two cases for Lucien & several boxes of Cigars, a spoon & a white silk mantilla & several other small things. He leaves for home today via Bal't. All wretched, colds & Mrs. Bayless really sick. Will not go out this morning.

Feb 14 - Mrs. Bayless still bad cold, did not go down to dinner last evening. So she decided to take dinner at St. Denis. Phil left yesterday about 1PM and Lysle Bayless left 3:30PM, Wednesday. Bought two night-dresses yesterday & a pair of drawers. After breakfast went over to Wannamaker's & bought some silk hdk'fs for Lucien. All took dinner at Waldorf-Astoria.

Feb 15 - After breakfast went around the stores & after lunch went with Mrs. Bayless to #140 West 78th St to call on a friend of Ben Bayless (son) on yesterday afternoon. Phil reached Moundsville this morning early. Have made some mistake in my diary and all the below belongs to Friday. Bought some silk for a waist for Bertie. Mrs. Bayless and I went down town with Lucien & met Mr. Bayless at Davidson's. Lucien ordered his China sent home (fine odd plates, 1 chop dish & 1 doz bread & butter plates). Went around to Astor House to get our tickets on the Penn line & then called on Mr. Lincoln at Astor House, then joined the Bayless' and we went around to see the "Stewart Saloon" - ladies hours for visiting 8 to 11 AM. Returned to Hotel and packed trunks - Mrs. Bayless friend she called had called at St. Denis this afternoon. Lucien and I went up to Gilsey House for lunch & we went to Knox's just above and bought shoes for Lucien & walked back to Hotel, on way bought gloves (2 pairs) for self & neck-ties for Lucien. The Bayless' left at 3:45PM. Got back in time to say "Good-Bye". Took dinner at St. Denis & left about 7:45PM.

Feb 16 - Reached Pittsburgh about 9AM - train late. Breakfasted at Dusquene & after as Lucien had engagement (?) I went shopping, bought two neck-ties for Lucien & a silver thimble for Bertie. Lift Pitts. on Noon train reaching Moundsville 4:30PM. Bought supplies for our larder & took car for home. Cooked my first meal & Phil came late after all was cleaned away for his supper. Mrs. Cartwright sent up some cream and a pumpkin pie, Mrs. Brady bought over some Maryland biscuit & apple-butter. I believe those were all the donations! Mr. Cartwright up this evening to talk business, the rest was spent talking Cuba. I have bad cold which I don't seem to get rid of.

Feb 17 - No one at Church, except Phil, who went to evening service. Mr. Spurr still away. Lucien & I in all day - looked for Mr. Brady over this evening, but did not come.

Feb 18 - Lucien did not sleep well and at 3AM went down stairs for a lunch & brought up a sandwich & some ale for me. Wrote Bertie to bring Dixie home after Tuesday. Not out today. Sent washing to Mary Adams. Mr. Cartwright up again & whilst here Mrs. Brady & cousin Miss Mary McMeachim came over & after Mr. Brady came over. Phil working on his books. My cold not much better so Phil went for Dr. Smith. He came & Phil went home with him for some medicine & also was vaccinated about midnight. Mrs. Bowly up this morning.

Feb 19 - Beautiful morning. Cough worse this morning. Am reading "Jamaica Merideth" Turning colder this evening. Lucien had advice about the organ (pipe) yesterday - it has been shipped. All home all evening.

Feb 20 - Snowed during the night & some little today. Mrs. Cartwright up this morning. Think my cold is better. Lucien made paths this morning, snowing again this evening. This is "Ash Wednesday" Mr. Spurr came home from the East this morning on train, to hold service. The rugs came today from Donchain Bros, NY. Mrs. Brady over to see them & Lucien & Phil took them over for Mr. Brady to see as he was not well.

Feb 21 - Fred Cartwright came up early and swept away the snow or rather made paths. Phil went to Pittsburgh this afternoon. No one here today. Very quiet House, Lucien and I alone all evening. How beautiful our rugs, they really make our house seem luxurious - one we are going to send back - it is very hard to decide between two Sarak's (one antique and one new). Wrote Chic today.

Feb 22 - Snowed considerably during the night so Lucien had to sweep paths again. Lucien came home early to lunch & after went to Wheeling to attend meeting of Directors. Lucien ret'd 5PM via B & O bringing oysters for dinner. Getting very cold. After dinner Lucien went down to see what Mr. Spurr wanted. It was to see about closing up window for pipe organ (man here from Widenaur Co, putting up organ). Phil came about 8PM. He had dinner in Wheeling but he & father had lunch before retiring.

Feb 23 - Very cold this morning, must have been below zero. Ground still covered with beautiful snow. Mrs. Brady over this morning. Lucien & I after dinner went down to Dr. Bruce's & spent the evening - the first time I have been out since I came home one week ago. Phil home all evening. Dr. went & bought some oysters & we had panned oysters in chafing-dish. Pd. Fred Cartwright for paper ("News") to date.

Feb 24 - The river closed at Wheeling this morning. The steam-boat-men, which the river breaks up look for a bad one - the ice being very heavy & some of it them have been experienced for years. Lucien & Phil went to Church this morning - the Church very cold & Lucien would not consent to my going. Lucien, Phil and I went over to the Brady's and found Dr. Eugene & two children (Richard & Eugene) there for tea, so we had to have ice cream, wine jelly & coffee. Phil went to Church this evening.

Feb 25 - Warm and snow nearly all gone. Two postals from brother Tommy, one from Madeira written Feb 8th & also letter from some point written on 8th and one postal from Gibralter mailed Feb 10th. Kept the large Kermin, all Bokara strips and the antique Kermin (75 years old) - have wrapped up the small new one & will return that one. Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Bowly & Mrs. Weaver up this afternoon & we played cards all afternoon. Miss June Bradley over to see Lucien this evening (visiting Mrs. B-)

Feb 26th - Heavy frost last night but the sun has come out bright and a typical early spring day. Mrs. Cartwright up this morning & our Egg a/c $4.40 & 1 doz over. Yesterday's evening news says Alice Wood came home from Florida sick & the Intelligencer says she came home yesterday on account of sickness. I commenced to take calomel this afternoon, not well. Went down to Church to see the pipe organ, which is being put up. How wonderful.

Feb 27 - Turned colder yesterday evening. Today trying to snow. Am better today. Phil invited to take lunch tomorrow at Mrs. Brady's with Miss Bessie List of Washington D.C. Mrs. Schoevel & little daughter called yesterday afternoon. This is a dreadful day! Postal from Tommy at "Nice" Taking calomel today & think that is why my cold doesn't improve. Letter from Mrs. Palmer, she wants to have a reunion of the Pie Club at Buffalo in June & all stop with Mrs. Davis who is going there to open a house and take roomers.

Feb 28 - Beautiful day "Spring-like" I went to meeting of the Guild. A very grand attendance. Paid one dollar on my dues & bought "Sun-bonnet". Lucien went to see Mr. Patterson - one of his handling men - who telephoned him to come up to the Jail to see him as his wife had him arrested for "Lunacy" & he seems perfectly sane. Also had engagement with Mr. Sands of the Exchange Bank in regard to money for factory. Also had engagement in Pittsburgh this evening. Phil went to factory after dinner & he took lunch at Mrs. B- with Miss Bessie List & then went to Penitentiary with her which took up a great deal of time. Mrs. Brady and Miss Mary McMeachim over this evening.

March 1 - I went to Martin's Ferry to see Chic and Alice. Alice better. Will went out for Kate & she came in time for dinner. Elizabeth Wood also over. Kate told my fortune & said there would be a move in our money matters. Stopped at Geo R. Taylor's to have my new taffeta skirt fitted. Brought home some oysters for dinner. Lucien home from Pittsburgh, he came early in the afternoon and went to factory. He says "I've gone and done it & if not for best you and Phil are to blame for it & if good follows, I did it!" Postal from Tommy from "Algiers". Rained this morning. Phil dined at Parish House.

March 2 - Warm today but river still closed, a rise reported coming which may open the river. (The oldest Steam-boatman has no recollection of the river being closed at this time of year). I went down town this morning to do some marketing. Mrs. Douglas Bruce called this afternoon. Mrs. Brady over for some rye bread for Mr. Brady. Mr. Cartwright here this evening talking business. Phil went to Wheeling this afternoon & returned about 11PM.

March 3 - Lucien and I went to Church this morning. Mrs. Riggs & Mrs. Spurr played, or tried to play, the new Pipe Organ after church. Hope to hear it played during church service next Sunday. Phil did not get up in time for church. Lucien and Phil went to Fairgrounds to see "Fitz-Hugh Lee" - Lucien's fine horse. The March winds do blow today! But how bright, beautiful and warm. Noticed the Hyacinths and Tulips are peeping up above ground. Wrote Mrs. Palmer today also brother Tommy. Rev. & Mrs. Spurr and Christine up after church this evening and we had lunch.

March 4 - Heard and saw the first Robin today. Beautiful day for the Presidential Inauguration, also Gov. Inauguration. Mr. Brady over this evening. Growing colder.

March 5 - Very cold this morning & ground covered with snow. Lucien went to Pittsburgh on the early morning train to attend a meeting. Lucien did not get home until 10:45PM, attended Association Meeting, saw a man about a combine for lamp factory, also signed agreement with "The National Glass Co", Very cold tonight.

March 6 - Intensely cold this morning - pipe to bathroom tank frozen. The sun has come out brightly. (Put my silk curtains & clean white ones in trunk preparatory to packing as Lucien has now decided to go to Pittsburgh.) Wrote Tommy today at Naples, Italy. Lucien has a very bad cold. Mr. & Mrs. Brady and cousin Miss Mary McMechem came over for a "Welsh Rarebit". In some places (country) the Thermometer registered below zero - I think at Glendale it was below.

March 7 - Not so cold this am. Sun came out bright and by noon no snow to be seen - so warm had to turn furnace very low. Lucien's cold seems worse so he will remain at home today. Commenced on Mass. today (the first). Lucien has a breaking out on the neck a little & as the "Small-Pox" is very prevalent in Wheeling & Moundsville it has made him a little anxious about it so tonight sent for Dr. Smith, but he cannot come until tomorrow morning.

March 8 - Dr. Smith came up early this AM & vaccinated both Lucien & my-self (Phil was vaccinated about 10 days ago but has not taken, so he will go to Dr's office this evening). Lucien still has the eruption but it seems to be disappearing, however he will stay
at home all day. Think the Brady's have been nervous about it as Mrs. Brady's cousin & their Col'd boy went to the Dr's this evening to be vaccinated. Phil went down & was vaccinated again. Lucien has some of the symptoms that accompany small-pox & the Dr. doesn't think it is at all.

March 9 - Dr. Smith came up at 8AM to see Lucien & said he did not have "small-pox" at all, so Lucien went to factory & will go to Wheeling where he has an engagement at noon, in regard to lamp combine. Rained all night & still raining this AM.

March 10 - First Thunder Storm of the season at 10:15PM, also light hail. Lucien & I spent evening at Dr. Bruce's.

March 11 - Postal from Tommy at --------. Lucien called a Director's Meeting at 4PM. Lucien handed in his resignation this afternoon. Everyone regrets his going, particularly Mr. Janus (A.J. Janus). Lucien came home late. Billy came down this evening & remained all night. Letter from Antionette.

March 12 - Cloudy & raining a little. Very high river, I think 30 ft, has come. Lucien & Mr. Brady went out to Fairgrounds to see Mr. Brady's horse - Bob - and Lucien's horse which Mr. Brady is delighted with. The Dr. Bruce's family & Douglas Bruce & wife up this evening for "Welsh Rarebit" & cards. Mr. Brady over for a while. Billy left this morning. Wrote Tommy today at Genoa, Italy.

March 13 - Beautiful Spring morning. Mrs. Cartwright up & said Mr. C- did not sleep any on account of Mr. Martin's going to leave the factory & that no one could fill his place. Blizzard raging in the Northwest. The highest water mark last night 29 1/2 feet. A flood just averted. From an article in the Pittsburgh Paper & the Evening News I thought probably we would have to buy Lucien larger hats, but he is very modest about the "Complementary" articles about his going to the National & regrets about his leaving the Fostoria. One Wheeling reporter telephoned & one here to interview him in regard to the change. Mr. Cartwright is almost sick about his leaving, he was up this evening. Went to Moundsville this afternoon, after calling on Miss Ball, who leaves tomorrow morning for home & Miss Jennie Caldwell there with her. Poor Miss Ball has lost the sight of one eye from head trouble, which the Dr's fear is a tumor forcing the eye out. Ex-President Harrison died today.

March 14 - Lucien leaves this afternoon for Pitts., will be gone all night (meeting of the Lamp combine). Colder this morning. Went to Society this afternoon & Mrs. Spurr made Tea for the Ladies. Phil & I went over to the Brady's this evening.

March 15 - Wrote to Chic to come tomorrow & bring her family & spend Sunday, also Kate. Wrote Bertie to come down to help until Monday. This afternoon went to Wm. S. Hildreth's birthday party & enjoyed it very much! - 14 children & seven (7) adults. Lovely time. Lucien ret'd at 8PM & he leaves tomorrow evening for Lancaster with Mr. Stevenson, Herron & Thompson, will be gone until Monday. Raining & snowing today - very disagreeable!

March 16 - Went to Wheeling & Martin's Ferry early this morning - to tell Bertie not to come down until next Saturday & to recall the invitation I had sent to Martin's Ferry. Lucien & Phil dined at Parish House. Phil went to Wheeling to be measured for new clothes & supped at McLure House. Lucien came home 5PM & got ready to go to Lancaster after dinner. Mrs. Calhoun came up to see him about a position in the new factory, also wants his wages raised, which Lucien declined to do. Mr. Haley the Modeler wants to go to Pitts but the Fostoria has raised his salary from $1,800 to $5,000 & he is not worth it. Took over to Chic a basket of Strawberries & brought home the first basket of the season.

March 17 - Phil & I went to Church this morning. The new organ is fine & Mrs. Riggs is to be congratulated on her progress. Quite a good congregation. Beautiful spring-like day! Wrote all day. Phil took walk down to Hospital. After supper he went to Church, came home early & wrote some for me.

March 18 - Lucien came at 6AM from Lancaster where he spent Sunday. Phil went to surprise party at Bessie McLaine's in Wheeling. Lucien & I spent the evening at Dr. Bruce's.

March 19 - Phil did not return last night & suppose he has gone direct to factory. Phil took a wretched cold last night. He went via rail to Moundsville & slept at Parish House. I went to Wheeling this afternoon, saw Caroline Wood & she went with me to Geo. R. Taylor's Co. Store & I exchanged the tucked Taffeta Eton Jacket for a 36" size - first size too large - also bought lace collar for it (white lace & jacket blk). Brought home from Taylor's last week my "tucked taffeta skirt". so now I have the complete suit. From the store we went to Zeiquenfielders & had some Ice cream & then to fish house for a shad (first shad this year). Mr. & Mrs. Riggs & Miss Carrie Cockayne came up this evening & we had "Welsh "Rarebit".

March 20 - Raining this morning. Phil has wretched cold, did not go to factory. Bulbs are all coming up - crocus, hyacinths & tulips. Went to Moundsville this morning to market. Mr. Merry here for dinner. Phil just would go to factory about 10:10AM. Very windy & March like today. Mr. & Mrs. Brady came over late. Mr. Brady to talk over prospective lamp combine. Getting colder this evening. Turned on some gas in furnace tonight. Phil's cold not much better.

March 21 - Colder this morning & ground covered with snow. Had to turn on some fire this morning. Phil went to factory early. Cold some better. Telephone this morning from Mrs. Bruce for all to come & sup this evening. Went to meeting of Guild & found only few there & they were in the "Clothing Bureau" unpacking & assorting clothes that had just been rec'd. From Church went home with Mrs. Bowly & the rest of the family - Lucien & Phil came later. After Tea Douglas Bruce & wife came & we played cards all evening & then had panned oysters before leaving. Enjoyed every moment of it. Telegraph to Lucien today from Mr. Dalzell he thought "Thompson" his (Lucien) would be.

March 22 - Bright & beautiful today. Mrs. Woods (Ella Gray Woods, wife of Rev) called this morning, also Lizzie Harrigan, an old girl of mine. Meeting of Directors of Fostoria today in Wheeling so Lucien came home early to Lunch. The meeting today was to elect a President of the Fostoria - Mr. Brady elected President & Mr. Dalzell Manager or Assistant for Mr. Brady. Lucien came home 5PM with strawberries for shortcake, so for dinner also some green vegetables. Mr. Cartwright up to see Lucien. Miss Devine of Wheeling came this evening to look at house. Lucien sent chk to "Widenaur Co", organ builders, for $500 making in all $1500, about $400 remaining to be paid. Lucien resigned his office as Vice President of the 1st National Bank of Moundsville.

March 23 - Lucien left 6:05AM for Pittsburgh. Beautiful day. All of Chic's family coming this evening to spend Sunday, also Kate. Expect Bertie to come to help me. First Crocus to bloom today. Chic, Will, Alice & Kate came at 4:10PM. Lucien ret'd at 8PM. Phil from Wheeling at 6:50PM.

March 24 - A number of crocus blooming today. Lucien, Phil, Alice and I went to Church this morning. Will has neuralgia today. Mr. & Mrs. Geo Smith, Mr & Mrs. A.J. Smith all called together this afternoon & we went over to the Brady's. Lucien sent for his fine horse so the folks could see him. Chic & family left 6:30PM. Lucien, Kate & I walked down to the Cockaynes after our friends left. Kate is going to stay a few days.

March 25 - Beautiful & warm but clouded up just after lunch. Finished burning all the old letters that have accumulated since our marriage. Mr. Bayless came this morning. Kate and I went down to the meat market about 3:30, came home and found Mrs. Spurr & Mrs. Jane Cox here to call. Terrible cyclonic storms in Ark & Texas, also Ga. Mr. Bayless of Ky. here today & will stay all night. Mr. Brady here this evening to see Mr. Bayless. Very warm, windows & doors open all day & evening.

March 26 - Change during the night, colder this morning produced by the tornadoes, south & southwest (Ala, Ga, some parts of Mich & Texas). Raining this morning & looks like a continual rain. Note from Carolyn Wood today. Answered Carolyn Wood, wrote Ashbaugh & Drettnich about repairing my seal coat & storing it for the summer. Bertie washing continuous today to pack away.

March 27 - Went to Wheeling this morning & engaged J.C. Harvey to sell our household goods at public auction on Tuesday, April 9th. Also saw Mr. Devine who I think will buy our house. Took dinner at Plate & Hanes & ret'd home about 3PM. Raining today & colder. Lucien came home early & told us all about the surprises at the factory. The office force & heads of Dept's presented him with an exquisite Royal Vienna Vase, Mr. Cartwright made the speech & after he & Phil were taken down stairs where about 300 men & girls awaited him with a band of music - all the employees of the factory had gathered, both night & day - and Lucien was presented with a beautiful gold pen, Holder & pencil combined by the factory men. Philip was presented with a beautiful "Diamond Stud", which cost $110.00 - what an experience for my boy & his father (They say it seemed like a funeral the day before, the men don't want to part with Lucien). Mr. Spurr up this evening to make arrangements about Archer, the organist coming to give a recital. Wrote Nettie today. Bertie washed Curtains again.
March 28 - Lucien left at 6:05AM for Pittsburgh & will be gone several days. Went to Society this afternoon. Bright today. Postal from Tommy at Jericho. Bertie finished up curtain washing.

March 29 - Kate & I went down to the "Clothing Bureau" but was too late, so we called at Mrs. Spurr's & from there went to Mrs. Cox's to call & then to Dr. Bruce's to call - met Mrs. Winton Weaver there, also saw Mrs. Weaver. Invited the Bruce's up to dinner tomorrow evening. Kate & I went over to Mrs. Brady's for a short call after we came home. Lorris Etzel
came up this evening to see the number of barrels that we shall need to pack our china in. Phil went down town for a short time. Lucien telephoned Phil this afternoon. Mrs. Cartwright up for a while this morning.

March 30 - Went to Wheeling soon after breakfast did some marketing, bought my spring hat & bought a fine trunk, reached home in time for Lunch. Mrs. Bruce & Bowly here for dinner - last turkey of the season. Phil went to Wheeling and came home late for dinner. Lucien came from Pitts on 10:50PM car, same car the Bruce's went home on. Sent the Dr. some turkey & ice cream.

March 31 - All went to Church this Palm Sunday, except Kate. Bertie went to Wheeling at Noon & will stay all night. Bright day but cold. Mr. Florence here to see Lucien. Phil went to Moundsville this afternoon & with boys went to see an oil well, below Moundsville. After supper Lucien, Kate and I went to Dr. Bruce's & spent the evening. Phil went to Church this evening.

April 1 - Went to Moundsville this morning & bought 10 sugar barrels for packing china & boxes for books, also piano box. Went to see Mary Adams & sent her my washing & some bed-clothes to wash. Bertie did not return until about three o'clock, so Kate took her departure after Bertie came. Mr. Etzel came up this evening & packed 10 barrels of china. Bertie & I wrapped all the china. My new trunk came this afternoon - it cost $24.00. All the boxes & barrels came this evening about 6PM. Lucien ret'd to Pittsburgh at 6:05PM. Miss Holderby & Julia left for Pitts. today.

April 2 - Bertie & I packed & wrapped china all day nearly. Sent Mrs. Cartwright her Lamp & Porteries. Mrs. Brady over this morning to show me her Bouillon set (cup, saucer & plate). Mr. Etzel came home with Phil & packed china & books all evening. Am very tired tonight. Phil home all evening & helping. Lucien wrote Philip today, he leaves for N.Y. tomorrow. (Wed. evening).

April 3 - Ground covered with snow but it seems to be melting - not frozen at all. Almost rain, very disagreeable! Phil & I packed books all evening. Getting colder this evening. Pittsburgh wrapped in a mantle of snow which causes thousands of dollars worth of damage. A heavy rain fell first. It began early in the morning & con't with great force until after one o'clock in the afternoon - "rendered practically useless for a time every electric light wire in the city, suspended all st. car travel in the early hours, isolated the city from the outside world. Telegraph & Telephone Co's are the heaviest losers". From Tuesday night to Wednesday night rainfall and snow aggregated 2 inches.

April 4 - The rain has been general & a big river is expected. Cold & gloomy this morning. Man came up this morning to crate my furniture (shall take my Piano, Chiffonnier, Writing desk, Toilet-Table, Buffet, Dining room chairs, side-board & Table - Dining & three sitting room chairs & small divans. Frank Cartwright & Carl Gage here this evening beating rugs. Phil nailed up the last box of books - four in all. Did not go to Guild meeting.

April 5 - Man here again today crating furniture. Mrs. Cartwright up to help clean rugs. Frank Cartwright again this afternoon to beat rugs. She carried home part of the hair mattress & Mr. Cartwright & Frank came up for Chiffonnier. Phil went to Church this evening. This is Good Friday. Very tired tonight. Mrs. Brady cleaning house & getting ready for Mrs. Kam---'s visit. Man here crating furniture.

April 6 - Bertie left this evening. Lucien came at 8PM whilst I was trying to get my evening meal - so tired I could not cook anything so he partook of my light repast. Phil in Wheeling for Supper. Mrs. McDaniel's and daughter up to look at a bedroom suite. Mrs. Carothurs up this morning. Man still here crating furniture & cannot finish today. Mr. Walker took 2 loads of furniture & barrels today to the Station.

April 7 - All went to Church this morning & then to Mrs. Bruce's for dinner & supper. This is "Easter Sunday". Spent a very pleasant day ret'd home about 10PM. Very dreary & dark Easter, also cold!

April 8 - Lucien left for Pittsburgh 6:05AM. The men Lucien engaged did not materialize, so Frank Cartwright came up and helped - cleaned Bicycles, etc. Mrs. Cartwright up to help me, all day. Took tea this evening with the great Organist, Mr. Archer of Pittsburgh, at Mrs. Spurr's in company with Mr. & Mrs. Riggs, Mr. & Mrs. V. Weaver, Miss Carrie Cockayne. Phil was invited to Tea to meet Mr. Archer, also at the Rectory (Rev. Spurr's). Delightful recital at the dedication of the new organ by Mr. Archer at Trinity Church this evening. I went to Mrs. Bruce's after the Recital & will stay or visit until I go away. Boiled a ham for the sale tomorrow. Phil will board at Parish House until he leaves Moundsville. Mr. Walker took Phil's trunk to Parish House & mine to Dr. Bruce's.

April 9 - Day of Public Sale. Slept soundly all night. Went up home after breakfast to finish getting things ready for the sale. Mrs. Bowly followed at 9AM - she and Mrs. Cartwright made ham & beef sandwiches nearly all morning for the people at the sale. Mr. Hervey came down with two clerks & Phil was present all day. Everybody here nearly and everything was sold at a great sacrifice - sale realized $430.00 after expenses were paid, netted more than I expected as things seemed to be given away. Lunch served at 12:30 AM - sandwiches & coffee. Mrs. Cartwright helped all day. Mrs. Bowly and I left at 5PM. Philip came round to Mrs. Bruce's late as he had to go back to house after supper. Beautiful day.

April 10 - Went up home this morning. Mrs. Cartwright came up and helped all day. Almost everything taken away yesterday. Miss McDaniel's had the guest room set moved this morning. Everything gone but the range in kitchen. Settled accounts with Mrs. Cartwright also Mrs. McDaniel's. Dr. Smith's wife came up and we settled a/c. Mrs. Cartwright bought the little Jersey Cow. Mrs. Cartwright & I rolled the Turkish Rugs & sewed them up in Ticking, ready for shipment. Ret'd to Dr. Bruce's at 5:30PM & wrote Lucien whilst waiting for car, on the step of veranda. Phil came around this evening with a letter from Tommy at N.Y. saying he will reach Wheeling Thursday morning 8:30AM, also letter from Nettie. Lovely Day.

April 11 - Lucien's Natal Day. Sorry we are separated, but he will get my letter today. Took the 7:45AM train this morning to Wheeling, thinking King Tommy would be on it, but he was not, so went to Penn Station at 9:30AM & he arrived on that train; was glad to get back home. I took dinner with him & in fact spent the day, helped him unpack his trunk etc. He is looking well & feeling like a boy. How many beautiful things he brought me - Shawl from the Island Madeira, Piano cover from Cairo Egypt, Cup & pillow squares from Constantinople, Mohammed Rosary from Constantinople, Gloves from Naples, Candle-sticks from Jerusalem, Fan from Spain, table square from Genoa, flowers from Mt. Olive, also cards from the Holy Land, pen for Lucien from Athens & cigarettes from the Palace of the Sultan of Turkey.

April 12 - Beautiful day. Mrs. Cox, Sr. came over to Dr. Bruce's to see me & I showed her all the pretty things brother brought & Mrs. Bruce insisted on her stopping for dinner. Had to go to O.R.R. Station to have bill of lading corrected, which they gladly did & then went up home & Phil met me there about 5:30PM. I finished packing Lucien's trunk & from there went to Mrs. Cockayne's for supper - found Mrs. Riggs & sister, Mrs Harris also Mrs. Curtis & daughter - (Keeping up my reputation of always happening at the Cockayne's when they are entertaining. Ret'd to Mrs. Bruce's at 7:30PM.

April 13 - Mrs. Bruce had Tommy McFadden drive me around to pay some bills. Mr. Walker took my trunk to station & checked it to Wheeling. Left Moundsville at 10:50AM & Fred Cartwright had the dog "Dixie" ready at Glendale to put on my car, took him direct to Mr. Nicoll's who will deliver him to Pattie Park. Met Mrs. Bruce by appointment at "Plate & Hanes" for lunch (Mrs. Beale of Wellsburg with her). After lunch we went to Storie & Thomas' where she bought a carpet & rugs for her dining room. Left Wheeling 3:45PM - met Mrs. Bealle on train going home. Lucien met me at train station & had sent to our room with baggage a box of the loveliest sweet peas (apple blossom). A very nice room with bath, at Lincoln Hotel. In our room all evening.

April 15 - Anniversary of Margaret Bowly's death. Rained all day Sunday so we did not go out. Mrs. Thompson came & took dinner with us. After dinner he and Lucien went to Dentists as Lucien's tooth was giving him trouble - the Dentist seems to think he can save the tooth. Telephoned Philip this morning to come up this evening. Cloudy this morning but not raining. Philip came 6PM & was fortunate to secure room adjoining. He was pleased with his father's proposition to go to Lancaster, Ohio. Cleared off this afternoon & getting warmer.

April 16 - Bright and comfortably warm this morning. Phil brought up last night his father's trunk and I have unpacked it & found Phil's certificate which he wanted. Have written letter to Mrs. Brady, one to Mrs. Bowly and one to Mary Lewis. Philip left for home (Moundsville) 3:45PM. Waited for Lucien to come to dinner until 8PM or until Misses Holderby & McEntire called & they explained that Mr. M- had gone to Cumberland at 6PM so they came over after their supper & spent the evening. Felt very sad after Phil left as it seems such a breaking up of our family as Lucien wants Phil to go to Lancaster.

April 17 - Slept well last night & breakfasted at 9AM. Commenced a new pink waist I bought yesterday (silk madras). Went to Woman's Exchange for Lunch. After dressed & went to Singer Sewing Machine office & then out to Shenley Hotel & from there took 5th Ave & Shady Car to Kenmawr Hotel (went to Shenley on a wilkenburg & 5th Ave). Miss Francis Bell called whilst I was at Lunch. Mr. & Mrs. Thompson called whilst I was away this afternoon. Saw Mrs. Ed. Hazlett and sister Miss Hettie List in dining room this evening.

April 18 - Sun dim this morning, think the day will end in rain. Slept well last night. Saw Mrs. Hazlett again this morning. My sewing machine sent around this morning - a nice new "Singer". Telegram from Lucien, he will be home 7:30PM. Wrote Philip also Antionette. Waited supper on Lucien who came late & he had his meal on dining car but went with me to dining room. Raining today. Lucien went to Cumberland without night clothes & bought his first collarless night shirt.

April 19 - Raining this morning. Went to Horne's & several other stores, got Lunch at Woman's Exchange. Bought a small clock this morning. Finished my pink waist and cut out my blue one today. Wrote Mary Lewis today I would not come this week. Lucien telephoned Phil to take 9:30PM train Sat. for Lancaster, Ohio and Lucien will take one and all proceed to Lancaster & will spend Sunday & Monday there with Philip. Wrote Tommy today & Miss Frances L. Bell also. What vile weather.

April 20 - Still raining this morning & I see by the morning paper there have been two land slides below Wheeling also the Creek has backed up & Elm Grove is partly submerged, also part of Leatherwood & very high water expected. Young lady came this morning to teach me the new Singer machine but it was unnecessary as I had studied it all out. Gave her a check for the machine as she had the receipt all ready. Cost cash $38.00. Have written the Argonaut, Saturday Evening Post & Bazaar to change address. Could not leave for Lancaster as expected on a/c of flood - B&O, could not get through.

April 21 - Still raining and this morning we had to walk down stairs (no elevator running) 7 flights & go out to breakfast - no fires, no elevator, no meals & all on a/c of the kitchen & cellar of the Hotel Lincoln (our Hotel) being flooded. We went to Duquesne for breakfast & find that the B&O cannot run trains, so Lucien has decided to go this evening via Penn line. Lucien will take me with him tonight as there are no accommodations here. Went to Duquesne to dinner and waited there until 9:30PM train time. Still raining this evening & this side of Cleveland about 2 ft of snow fell & drifted in some places 7 & 8 feet. Dreadful weather! Phil could not get away from Wheeling until late this afternoon.

April 22 - Met Phil & Mr. Merry in Columbus this morning - Phil came in last night, so we all took the early train for Lancaster reaching there about 10AM. I went direct to Hotel & the boys to factory. All came to dinner & after we went to one of the banks for Phil to be introduced & then to the Club building, Chic is fine. Phil will join us & from there to a private Hotel which Mr. Merry thinks will be pleasanter for Phil. So Phil got his room tomorrow. We were driven to factory where I spent the afternoon; carriage came for us & were driven to Hotel for supper & then to station. Trust Phil may like the town - his future home. The country around Lancaster covered with snow. I never saw such weather. Left for home 7:30PM.

April 23 - Reached Columbus last night about 9PM & checked our baggage - Mr. Merry with us as he goes to Pitts as Lucien's assistant & took a walk up the street of arched electrical lights. Left Columbus about 11PM, reached Pitts this (Tuesday) morning 7AM. Lucien & I went direct to our Hotel for breakfast. In almost all day. Raining today.

April 24 - Raining this morning & still two more days of murky weather predicted. Went to storage room this morning & will have to go back tomorrow. Bought little gold pens for Phil to send to his name-sake Miss Laturi named.

April 25 - Lucien left early this morning for Jeanette. Commenced to repair white waist and make new sleeves. Went to Fort Pitt Bank this morning to deposit some checks for Lucien & then to Byer's & Co, Real Estate Agts at 436 4th Ave to see about suites of rooms in the new apartment house - East End - then went to National's office to see Mr. Thompson about them & from there went out to see them - beautiful but too small. Invitation today to Miss Paull's wedding ceremony at Church Wheeling. Lucien returned at 6:30PM very tired.

April 26 - Exchanged Phil's shoes & took them to Lucien's office so he can express them. Lucien sent me right out to see the rooms at the "Dewer's Wood" homestead now a boarding house. Kept by Mrs. Able. The old home is beautiful but the rooms are poorly furnished, went back to office to report & took Lunch with them all. Left the boarding question with the gentlemen to settle. Went to storage room & saw that all my goods were there & numbers corresponded with mine - one chair missing as there was no bill of lading for it & the R.R. will not give it up. Have written the agent. Had the goods insured for $1,500.00. Lovely day. Mr. Merry here for dinner & he went back with Lucien to office after.

April 27 - Beautiful morning - think all the bad weather is over. Lucien went to Indiana, Penn today - Mr. Carle will meet him at Jeanette & go along. Rec'd yesterday last copy of Weekly Bazaar as it will be made a monthly in the future, also rec'd two copies of Ladies Home Journal all forwarded from Moundsville. Lucien wrote Mr. Spurr last night & sent chks. closing up organ a/c. Tried to catch Tommy by telephone this morning - twice at office - also tried to get him at McLure House this evening but failed. )We want him to come up over Sunday. Beautiful & warm.

April 28 - Beautiful & warm. Lucien & I took a long walk this morning, after lunch went to east end to "Dorset Hotel" to see the Thompson's, did not return until after dinner - about 9:30PM. Mr. Merry there also. He has about decided on a house.

April 29 - Another lovely day. This morning Lucien was called to Jeanette, he will return at noon. This morning I deposited my silverware with "The Safe Deposit & Trust Co. of Pitts, Pa" near the "Fort Pitt Bank". Mr. Forger at office to see Lucien - wants a position. After dinner we took a long walk.

April 30 - Another bright and beautiful day. Letter from Mr. Cartwright this morning. Box of flowers (Tulips & Hyacinths) received from our own garden this afternoon - sent by the Cartwrights. Telephone from Lucien telling me to get ready - pack up in time for the evening train. After dinner we checked our baggage and gave up our room. Left Pittsburgh 9:30PM, met Mr. Carle at the station. Lucien secured our berth or rather section early in the day. Met Mrs. Emma Stamm Hoffman at Woman's Exchange at noon. Saw she and family at dinner at Lincoln.

MAY 1 - Reached Columbus early this morning & took train for Marion, Ind 7:30AM. Had breakfast on train and reached Marion in time for dinner at noon. After dinner took a st. car for Summitville, Inc - about 13 miles - to one of the "National Glass Co's " factories & one of the poorest I think. Left S- 6PM, reached Marion 7PM. After supper Lucien and Mr. Carle went out & Mr. Carle invested in a "Park Wagon" or covered surrey. I retired early as I was very tired. Think I am taking a slight cold. Extremely hot today. Manager of the Summitville Glass House insisted on presenting me with a paper weight which Lucien carried home.

May 2 - The boys insisted on my going around to see the Park Wagon this morning & then I ret'd to Hotel & the boys went to the "Canton Glass House", another possession of the National G. Co. I bought this morning a night dress & some pink silk gingham for a belt for one of my shirt waists, also bought a Laundry bag for Philip. After dinner we went via rail to Greentown to another factory, which seems to be in a flourishing condition and a fine factory. Reached Marion at 6PM. Extremely hot today am developing a fine cold. Went out after supper with Lucien & Mr. Carle to see some fine horses.

May 3 - Got up at 2AM in order to make the 2:30AM train for Dunkirk. Lucien wants me to remain behind & meet them in the afternoon, as I almost had the croup last night, but I would not be left. Reached Dunkirk at 4AM & all retired leaving a call for 6AM as the boys propose driving to Albany, about 7 miles leaving at 7AM. Lucien will not let me go as expected on account of my cold, so I did not breakfast with them. After breakfast Mrs. Charlie Gill came to my room, introduced herself & spent most of the morning. Quite a change in the temperature, cool enough for fire. Lucien ret'd in time for lunch and after they went to the Beatty Brady factory (the National's). Spent the afternoon in Mrs. Gill's room & at 3:30 Lucien came for me & we left for the train.

May 4 - Reached Columbus 9:15 last night (had supper on the train). Went to Crittenden Hotel & Lucien engaged a room with bath, so I took a hot bath & retired early. This morning we had an early breakfast & took the 7:30 train for Lancaster reaching there about 9AM & surprised Phil who looks well but thin, working hard & pushing things. Phil telephoned for rooms at Mithoff Hotel. Phil at family Inn "Hillside Inn". Walked around the business portion of town this afternoon & invested in two under-vests. The boys Phil with them came to supper about 6:30PM, after Lucien & I went with him to his room & Lucien shaved. Phil returned with us & we went to Mr. Carle's room & talked & played Pedro. Phil went to the wrong barber & his face broken out with barber's itch, which will take 3 weeks to heal.

May 5 - After breakfast Phil came down & about same time Mr. Forger & Mr. Shoevel came in, had come to see Lucien about situations. They had telegraphed to Pittsburgh they were coming so the Pitts office had them come here. The head of the mold department came with a trap & took Mr. Carle, Philip & myself out to the Oil fields this morning. All took dinner together, Phil, factory men & all rest of the afternoon Lucien & Mr. Carle in conference with the men. All supped together & Phil walked to station with us, train leaving 6:45PM. Had lovely visit with our boy. Reached Columbus about 9AM. We took Pullman sleeper for Pitts, Mr. Carle train for Zanesville & Mr. Forger & Shoevel for Moundsville. Very busy day for Lucien - sorry it had to be on Sunday.

May 6 - Reached Pittsburgh on time & went to Lincoln Hotel for breakfast & then Lucien went to office & I had the Porter send our trunks & sewing machine to "The Meyrow" cor. Forbes & Meyrow Sts. A beautiful old home. Came out in time for lunch & found Mrs. Thompson quite ill. Baggage arrived after lunch, so I have unpacked & sort of gotten things into shape. Lucien sent word by Mr. T- he would not be here for dinner. He came 10:30PM & informs me he leaves tomorrow with Mr. Case for the East.

May 7 - Lucien left for office taking his satchel as he & Mr. Case leave at 6PM. Wrote Miss Hall, Chic, Phil & Mr. Walker (baggage & transfer man). Letter from Antionette and Tommy at Hotel when we reached here yesterday.

May 8 - Wrote Mrs. Bruce, Carolyn Wood & Mr. Nicoll in regard to our crayons. Mr. Thompson brought me home papers & letter from Lucien. Very bad headache all day yesterday & wakened up with it this morning & it has been with me all day in a violent manner. Think it is from new paint or varnish in my room. Went to the city to get rid of it & succeeded. Bought material for Kimono, & mailed my letters.

May 9- Cut out my kimono & find I have not enough material. It takes about 2 1/4 yard Challis. Mrs. Thompson & I visited most of the day (played visiting, I suppose). Rained today. Have not heard from Lucien. Mr. Thompson brought me the home papers. Took a walk around two squares this evening.

May 10 - Rain predicted for today. Mrs. Thompson & I visit every day. Mr. Thompson brought me home papers & a letter from brother Tommy. Have not heard from Phil this week. In all day and evening. Mr. Thompson brought Intelligencer & letter for Lucien. Mr. Thompson left this evening 10:30PM for Buffalo, Mr. Herron going with him. He rather expects to be gone over Sunday. In my room alone all evening. Bought a lovely blue kimono for myself from an Assyrian price $4.25.

May 11 - Frequent showers today - more like April weather. Mrs. Thompson not down to breakfast or lunch. Her room locked until afternoon & no one admitted. After lunch I went down to office to get mail if any & then to Lincoln Hotel & found two letters - one for Lucien & one to be sent to National's office. Shopped a little at Horne's & whilst there met Amanda Miller & Annie who had come from Greensburg to shop. On my return found Mrs. Thompson had gone out & she came in about 1/2 hour after I returned. No mail for me today. Cooler today & a heavy shower whilst down town. Wrote Mrs. Cartwright a note of thanks & wrote to Tommy.

May 12 - Beautiful and bright but very cold, must have been frost - fires are very comfortable! Did not go to Church as I was late getting up and no one to go with. Mrs. Thompson not down to breakfast at all - so strange to do without her morning meal & sometimes her lunch. Rain this evening and very cold.

May 13 - Bright but cold this morning. Warm and fair weather predicted for today and Tuesday. Lucien, Mr. Thompson & Mr. Case expected. Lucien & Mr. Thompson came about 5:15PM. Mr. Case arrived down town in order to make it one week & earn his $5.00. Lucien said Phil spent Sun with him in Marion & Lucien bought a Buggy and Horses for Phil.

May 14 - Made mistake in the date. Lucien said Philip looked well & happy so suppose things are going better. Mrs. Thompson down town all day & came home with Mr. Thompson, I think. Lucien came at 5:30PM & brought the two Steins that were presented to him. Mr. Thompson also Miss Case & Carle left this evening for Cambridge, Ohio - some trouble in regard to the new plant under erection. Lucien & I in all evening. Bedford Water (a case) came yesterday, so Lucien opened the first bottle this evening. Still very cold. Blackberry Winter!

May 15 - Lucien left with his satchel packed ready for Marietta, also returned samples from Browne Bros, Wheeling Wv and ordered a suit from samples. I am invited to go with Lucien as far as Wheeling, will go to Moundsville, also Martin's Ferry. Washing ready for Brace Bros, am making a Green Linen Waist. We expect to leave this afternoon for Wheeling at 3:30PM. Gathered the first Hawthorne blossoms today. The Horse-Chestnuts beautifully in bloom. Lucien came home Tuesday evening with a boutonniere of the "Flowering Crab" How sweet. Getting warmer today! Took Lunch with Lucien as expected at office & then went out & bought Mrs. Brace's Electrolier for Dining Room.

May 16 - Lucien & I left 3:30PM last evening for Moundsville, reached Wheeling 6:30 & just had time to take supper at Windsor Hotel between trains - surprised the Bruce family at 8PM, remained with them all night. This Thursday morning the Col'd man hitched up after breakfast & the Dr. drove Mrs. Bowly, Lucien and I out to the fair grounds to see Lucien's horse (Fitz-Hugh Lee). Lucien left for Marietta at 10AM. Miss Parkinson at Bruce's for dinner. After dinner - about 2PM bid them all goodbye & left for Wheeling. Stopped at Donaldson's & looked at Carriages then went to McLure & took supper with brother Tommy. Lucien & Mr. Carle came about 11PM. After supper Tommy, Mrs. Hanlon and I went down to Erb's Stable to see Mrs. Glass' new Stanhope. "Ascension Day".

May 17 - Lucien and Mr. Carle left for home Pitts. about 7:30AM and I decided to spend the day. I met Tommy and Mr. Morgan of Donaldsons & Morgan at Erb's Livery Stable from there we walked over to Mr. Morgan's place & at last decided on one of his Stanhope's. A beauty & the best he had - he asked $190.00 for it, but at last made it $175.00 cash & Tommy surprised me by presenting it to me. What a lovely present! They will make a cover for $4.00 & sent it all by boat "Keystone State". After, went to Chic's for dinner, stopped at Mother Woods, Chic sent out for Kate & she came to spend the day. Chic & Will had business in Wheeling so they went over with me. Left on 3:40 train. Lucien not at train, so I went direct to the boarding house, "The Tregrove", Lucien not home.

May 18 - Mr. Case had invited the Thompson's & ourselves to the Lincoln Hotel last evening & Lucien happened to be in the Barber Shop at the station when my train came in so missed him, also the supper. Lucien waited in town for the late train thinking I had missed it - tried to telephone him but could not catch him. He came home about 10:30PM very tired & not well. This Sat beautiful, in all day. Lucien came home late to supper & not at all well. Took the street cars up to S. Negley Ave to see the new horse that was bought by mistake in Ind. & was rec'd this morning & Lucien bought a horse at Moundsville on Thursday & of course doesn't want two so will try to dispose of one. He is a beautiful animal but Lucien would not let me drive him.

May 19 - Tommy surprised us this morning by coming in whilst we were breakfasting. So glad to see him, after breakfast we all went up to the Livery Barn to see our new purchase & then returned in time for Lunch. Lucien posted up Tommy's books for him. Beautiful morning but clouded this afternoon & commenced raining. Lucien not well today & Tommy went to Drug Store for some Calomel & he has commenced taking. Tommy left about 8PM for the B.& O. Mrs. Thompson's son came Friday evening & returns to Wash-Jeff this evening. Stanhope shipped on "Keystone State" packet this morning.

May 20 - Lucien very sick this morning and Mr. Thompson telephoned for Dr. Goulding. Lucien will be unable to go to office for several days. Dr. here twice today. Lucien's a very sick man. He cannot lie down - seems to be his liver and Rheumatism of the muscles of his stomach.

May 21 - Lucien no better this morning. Sat up in chair most of the night. He is wretched color. Mr. Thompson in this evening. Dr. here twice today. Man drove down this afternoon with my new Stanhope.

May 22 - The man was to come and take me out in my carriage this morning but disappointed me. Lucien improvement seems very slow. Mr. Case returned to Pitts today and came in the evening to see Lucien.

May 23 - Lucien's some better this morning. Was able last night to lie down in bed for the first time during his sickness, he is very yellow, almost "Jaundice", the Dr. has been looking for it - but now he thinks he will escape it. Mr. Thompson & Mr. Case in this evening. We tendered the use of my Stanhope to Mr. Case and he went driving this evening. He thinks my Stanhope fine! Finished my Challis Waist & wore it. Dr. here only once today. Sick headache today, all day, can scarcely hold up my head. Expected the man to bring down my Stanhope this morning & take me out, and he did not appear. Mrs. Hervey & Sister Miss Armstrong here to call.

May 24 - Beautiful morning. Lucien improving. Mr. Thompson will send Mr. Merry down this afternoon. Mr. Merry came about two PM & read business letters until 7PM, was afraid Lucien would be made sick. Late this afternoon I went down to Friday's Wholesale Liquor Store & bought Lucien 1 bottle of V.O.P. Scotch Whiskey. Raining today. Mrs. Case left this evening for home "Bowling Green, Ohio". Dr. here this evening. Letter from Phil today. He is well of the Barber's Itch & getting things straightened out at factory. Rain this evening.

May 25 - Raining this morning. Mrs. Thompson in to enquire after Lucien. I went to "Ft. Pitt Bank" & to market, bought Lucien some asparagus & strawberries but the Dr. came this afternoon & thought he had better not eat the berries. Mr. Carle here this afternoon, also Mr. Thompson. Found a Wholesale Liquor store opposite Traction Barn on 5th Ave where I bought some Ale for Lucien. Bass' Dog-Head Ale. Also bought a 1/2 gal bottle of Poland Water. Miss Holderby & Julia McIntire here to see Lucien.

May 26 - Still raining this morning. Lucien better and dined in his clothes for the first time for a week. He went down for dinner today. Lucien & I went in to see the Thompson's this evening.

May 27 - Lucien still improving & went to office this morning but hardly able to go. Raining this morning. Wrote Mrs. Bowly and Antionette. This afternoon Mrs. Thompson & I went to Carnegie Library & I secured a card & from there went to National Office. Lucien came home at 5PM with me & we stopped at Friday's & bought some Champagne for Lucien. Raining.

May 28 - Must have rained all night - never saw such a May of rain. Lucien went to office. Wrote Philip today, sent Philip and Nettie papers yesterday. Mr. Case spent last evening in our room & we played Pedro all evening. I ordered roses for Mrs. Carle's daughter's wedding today - ordered them by telephone last night. Went up to look at Pacific Flats in Pacific Ave. Beautiful flats. After dinner Mr. Case, Mr. Thompson & wife, Lucien & I went over to Allegheny to see "Buffalo Bill". Enjoyed it very much. Opened a bottle of Champagne for Lucien after we returned.

May 29 - Rained part of the night & cloudy all day. Lucien went to Uniontown this morning. Finished my Linen Waist today but the days so cold don't think I shall even want a shirt waist on. In house all day. Lucien ret'd about 7:30PM from Uniontown (Mr. Thompson, Case and Carle were with him). And all went to Buffalo tonight except Lucien who remained over by appointment with a man. Very forthwith the man telegraphed an appointment as Lucien really was not able to go I think. Quite cold. Seems to be clearing up tonight. Mrs. Thompson went with Mr. Thompson.

May 30 - Clear this morning but quite cold. Decoration Day. Went down town and took Lunch with Lucien and Mr. Spinnery of N.Y. After went to boat "Ben Hur" and saw my horse Miss Bradley which had just arrived. Lucien had it sent out to Mr. Williams stable - Elmer St near St. Nagley - went out to look at Pacific Ave flats, L. did not like them, also went to Walker St flats, they were too small and then we went to stable and saw our horses. Lucien bought a new "Run-about" (Wagon, light). After dinner Mr. Spinnery came and spent the evening. Lucien still seems quite weak & both very tired tonight.

May 31 - Bright but cool and showers predicted. Lucien took down hat (Panama) to office to send by express to Mr. Spurr. Mrs. Foster up this morning to see if I cared to go to one of the Cemeteries but I did not feel rested enough from yesterday. Went up to S. Negley to see some houses & then to office for Lucien, bought a Champagne Tap for Lucien. Lucien took a ride after dinner in his new "Run-about" & with Miss Bradley, my horse. I read all evening "The Silver Skull" by Crockett - not very good. Letter from Tommy & Mr. Nicoll - in regard to my Crayons. Mr. Case came home from Buffalo. Left for home today.

June 1 - Rained during the night & cloudy weather predicted. Finished my book today also mended my clothes from wash. Mrs. Thompson ret'd from Buffalo this morning. Looked for a man to come with my Stanhope all afternoon but disappointed again. Lucien came home early. He had stopped for some biscuits to lunch on. Letter yesterday from Miss Hall. Men commenced excavating on the front lawn, for an apartment house & offices, yesterday & consequently will spoil this boarding place for us. A flood almost expected at Wheeling - something unknown in May.

June 2 - Beautiful morning. Lucien and I went to "The Ascension Church" (Bishop's Church - Mr. Archer organist). After dinner Mr. & Mrs. Thompson, Lucien and I went driving but soon ret'd as it looked like rain. Miss Bradley not very well so could not drive her.

June 3 - Beautiful morning, went driving in my new Stanhope with the big horse - Henry Foster, he is fine! Stopped at Kenmawr & hope soon to get a room. Got back in time for Lunch - drove through Shenley Park - how Beautiful! Lucien & I went to see "The Queen's Lace Hand'kf" at Dusquesne Gardens this evening. Letter from Antionette & Mrs. Bowly.

June 4 - Beautiful morning. Went driving this morning through Highland Park - beautiful park! Ret'd at Noon. Wrote Mrs. Palmer for Mrs. Davis' address. Wrote Philip & sent some papers. After lunch dressed & took North Highland car & went to call on Dr. Hervey's wife & Miss Armstrong. They have a lovely stone house near Highland Park. After dinner our man came down with my horse (Miss Bradley) and Lucien's "Run-about" & we drove through Shenley Park - my first drive behind Miss Bradley and she is lovely & safe. Getting warmer today. Letter from Carolyn Wood Today.

June 5 - Our man came & took me down town to the Storage room & we came back via Grant Boulevard. Wrote Mrs. Bowly today to come to us on Saturday of this week. Told Miss Able this morning about our going to leave. Went down to office this afternoon but Lucien was so busy (Director's meeting all day) could not go with me to Oculist - Mr. Robeson. So I went shopping & bought white silk for shirt waist. Man came with Miss Bradley & we started to drive but on account of rain had to go to the Barn. Met Mr. Case there & brought him home; he took the Thompsons and ourselves to Ice Cream Parlor & I had my first Ice Cream Soda. After we went to the Thompson's room & played "Pedro". Very hot today.

June 6 - Raining this morning & the air cooler. Did not go out driving. Telephone message this morning that George - Phil's horse - has arrived by boat. We hope to sell him. Very sore foot today rubbed a blister on my heel yesterday. Gave Miss Able check Lucien left for our board, which is due today ($90.00) Wrote Antionette & sent her chk for the plastering ($50.00).

June 7 - Went driving this morning. After lunch went to call on Mrs. Rolf on Oakland Ave. Did not find her at home so went to office & came home with Lucien. After dinner we went driving up to Speed-Way & Highland Park. Lucien enjoyed it very much. My foot very sore, put on Bed-room slippers to drive in. Quite cool this evening. George has been sold to Mr. Williams for $125.00.

June 8 - Very cold this morning. Wore heavy Golf Cape to ride in this morning. After lunch went to office & found Lucien had gone to "Beaver Falls". Letter from Mrs. Bowly - not coming today. Went to Oculists, but my eye in bad shape. Dr. Robeson thinks it is Pink Eye. Shopped a little, bought white wool serge waist. Lucien came home 6PM in time for dinner. After dinner we went driving behind Miss Bradley & got lost - must have driven 13 or 15 miles up tremendous hills & dreadful roads - got home about 9:30PM. Telephone from "Kenmawr Hotel" this evening.

June 9 - After breakfast went up to the "Zoo" at Highland Park, back in time for dinner. After dinner went up to Kenmawr Hotel to look at room, have decided to go on Friday. Came back from Kenmawr for the Thompsons & we went to "Henry Wood Park" via St. Cars - lovely ride on cars & a long one - changed two times - returned to Shenley Hotel for supper which was delightful and then home.

June 10 - A very little warmer this morning. My eye still quite sore, have decided to go with Lucien to Lancaster on Tuesday night & from there he will go to Chicago. So we will give up our room Tuesday evening. Sent Mrs. Thompson driving this morning. Lucien invited the Thompson's to drive with us this evening at the Shenley & go to the Opera after. Wrote Mrs. Bowly to come on the 18th of June. Wrote Phil yesterday & Miss Hall today.

June 11 - Went driving this morning & stopped at Shenley Hotel for Lucien's cane, which he lift on Sunday evening. Ret'd after a short drive & had Mr. Davis pack the water & ale & nail up ready to go to Kenmawr. Looks very like rain. Enjoyed the Opera last night - "Said Pasha" & also the dinner at Shenley Hotel was fine. The Thompson's enjoyed our hospitality. Laundry ready for Brace Bros. We leave for Lancaster at 9PM. Met at the Station Mr. Carle, Mr. Forger going to Findley & Mr. Feidler going to Lancaster to work for Phil. Mr. Carle had engaged sleepers for all. Rained this evening.

June 12 - Reached Columbus on time & had breakfast at Station. Left for Lancaster at 8AM, reached Lancaster at 9:15AM & went direct to Phil's office. All took dinner at the "Mitthoff Hotel" and after the boys went back to factory & I walked up to the "Hillside Hotel" (Phil's) & they have a room for me but will not go up until after supper. Phil took our party to the "Mecca Cafe" for a lobster & chicken supper, which was delightful! Lucien & Mr. Carle left on the 6:15 PM train for Findley & Chicago. Phil took my baggage to his Hotel and after dinner we went riding behind "Fitz-Hugh Lee" my first ride with him & he can go like a whirlwind! - After stopped at Drug Store for some water & Phil took a mint julep & then we went home & Phil introduced me to many of the boarders, spending the evening on the balcony.

June 13 - Phil and I breakfasted together & after I took a walk down to the stores & bought a pattern for my white silk waist & cut it out after dinner. Phil came to dinner. Rained this afternoon so could not take a drive. Attended a musical recital this evening at this Hotel by invitation. Phil went to Club House for a while. Have met a great many pleasant people here. Extremely hot today and this evening. Changed to my summer underclothes.

June 14 - Brighter today & some cooler as it rained during the night. Still sewing on my white waist. How lovely to be able to breakfast, dine & sup with my boy again for a few days! Phil is looking better then when I last saw him. My boy has a very great responsibility! A euchre party of 90 at this place this afternoon given in the Hall by one of Lancaster's society women. Phil and I took a lovely long drive behind one of the fastest horses I was ever behind (Fitz-Hugh Lee), went out to the oil wells and after returning Phil went down to Hotel to see his man Mr. Rock. I retired before he returned.

June 15 - Phil & I breakfasted together & after I went to his room & got book "Alice of Old Vincennes" & finished it this evening. Finished my white silk waist & wore it this evening. Telegram from Lucien - dated Chicago - he cannot reach Columbus in time to make early train to Lancaster & has telegraphed for Phil & I to meet him in Columbus tomorrow morning. Rained this afternoon. After supper Phil went to "Mitthoff Hotel" to see his traveling man - Mr. Rock. Packed all my baggage this evening. Phil ret'd at 10PM & left a call for us tomorrow morning.

June 16 - Phil and I had early breakfast & carriage came for us & we left on the 7:45AM train & unfortunately it proved to be an excursion train for Columbus. Lucien met us at Station & took us to Chittenden Hotel & secured a very pleasant room. After lunch we went to "Oleantangy Park" & ret'd early as a heavy rain came up. Spent the rest of the afternoon in our room. Lucien ordering White Rock for me & champagne for he and Phil. After a delightful dinner we took a walk & after went to Station - Phil left on 8:30PM train & we left on the mid-night train but got into sleeper 9:30PM. We had a delightful day together & I think all tired. Planned to meet in Buffalo in 2 weeks.

June 17 - Reached Pitts' 7:30AM & breakfasted at Station (a vile breakfast!) then Lucien sent me out to Kenmawr Hotel in a carriage with the baggage. So we are duly installed in our new Hotel & how delightful it is! And oh, such a lunch I haven't had for Ages! Sent our trunk to trunk room & wine & ale to wine room & water brought up to room. Looks like rain this evening. Lucien came late to dinner & whilst in car on way home was struck by a stone on the hand thrown by some boy & it made a very bad looking bruise. Letter from Mrs. Bowly saying she will leave tomorrow also letter from Mrs. Smith (A.J. Smith) in regard to reunion of "Pie Club" This is the week of the club meeting at Buffalo, but we cannot go.

June 18 - Went driving this morning behind Harry Foster & in my "Stanhope" (Shenley Park). Letter & invitation from Jessie Martin to her wedding on June 25 - sent here to "Kenmawr". Expect Mrs. Bowly this evening. Mrs. Bowly came on 6PM train, said Mary B- came home last evening.

June 19 - Mr. Davis came with trap and took us all through Shenley Park. Mrs. Bowly and I rested this afternoon & I darned socks. Went to Comic Opera "The Wizard of the Nile" - enjoyed it very much. Roy Wood called whilst we were at Duquesne Gardens. Letter from Mrs. A.J. Smith.

June 20 - Mr. Davis took us driving through Highland Park & we stopped at the "Zoo" - a fine collection of animals. Yesterday morning we visited the Phipps Conservatory in Shenley Park. After lunch went down to Lucien's office & Hornes store - bought a pair of suspenders for Lucien. Expected Mr. Case for dinner but as he had planned a trip to Cambridge could not come. Taught Mrs. Bowly to play Pedro. Letter from Philip.

June 21 - Rained this morning, so did not go driving but after dinner Mrs. Bowly and I went down to Lucien's office & we all went down to first floor (Herron's Store - Wholesale) and bought two wedding presents (one teaspoon for Jessie Martin & teaspoons for Annie Horsley - was also fitted for spectacles & Lucien was fitted (my first spectacles). From there went shopping & sight seeing. Wrote Philip last night & Lucien mailed it this morning. Looks very like rain this evening. Wrote Tommy the change in our boarding place - also wrote Jessie Martin.

June 22 - Very bright this morning so after breakfast went shopping in carriage. Stopped to see Lucien for a moment & then selected a present (Berry spoon) for Annie Horsley - a present from Phil. We then went to Boggs & Buhl - Allegheny. I bought a grey skirt, a white pique & a linen one. Mrs. Bowly bought a linen one also, for Mrs. Bruce & Linen skirt for sister. Letter from Chic inviting us for 4th July celebration.

June 23 - Pouring rain so did not go to Church this morning. Afternoon went to organ recital at Carnegie Library by Mr. Archer.

June 24 - Went over to Boggs & Buhl's store in Allegheny & exchanged pique skirt & bought white batiste instead. Note of thanks for spoons from Jessie Martin.

June 25 - Went driving this morning. Lucien went to Jeanette this morning. He telephoned this afternoon that Mr. & Mrs. Case were coming to dinner & all going to Comic Opera "Pinafore" after. The Case's came a little late to dinner & after we went to Duquesne Gardens by invitation from Mr. Case - the Merry's also were there. Had very pleasant time. Cut out my white dress. Day of Jessie Martin's wedding.

June 26 - Answered card from Ada Martin announcing Jessie's marriage last evening. Mrs. Bowly and I out driving as usual this morning.

June 27 - Lucien went to Fairmont and Morgantown on 6:30AM train. Went driving this morning & took Mrs. Case. Mr. & Mrs. Case leave this evening for Buffalo. Wrote Phil this morning. Beautiful but hot. Storm came up this afternoon. Finished drop skirt to my batiste. Mrs. Bowly and I played Pedro with Miss & Mrs. Hartje this evening.

June 28 - Mrs. Bowly out driving in my "Stanhope" this morning & I sewed all morning. Quiet - surprised to find the Thompson's in the Hall this evening - they have engaged boarding for a short time here. Lucien came about 9PM, quite tired & with headache. Sat out quite late & then played Pedro a while & then lunched in the Ordinary.

June 29 - Mrs. Bowly and I went to Horne's Store & Mrs. Bowly shopped some & Mr. Davis drove us down with Harry. Got home in time for lunch. Finished my skirt enough to wear it this evening. Extremely hot today.

June 30 - A very hot morning. Mrs. Bowly, Lucien & I went to Calvary Church & were delighted with the service & Rector. After lunch we retired to our rooms & rested until Dinner time. After dinner took my first Automobile ride - Mr. McAfee invited me. We all walked down to stable & saw the horses. Mr. Davis will take them both to Moundsville via boat tomorrow until Fall.

July 1 - Extremely hot. Mrs. Bowly and I went to Horne's Store via St cars this morning & ret'd early. Sewed some this afternoon & slept some. Mrs. Bowly read to me whilst I sewed. After dinner we went to Comic Opera "El Capitan" - music good but not much in the play. A great many deaths & prostratives by heat today. Bill for board rec'd & paid today.

July 2 - Still hot. Sewing today. Mrs. Bowly left for train 2:30PM & I went with her to train. Came right home as it was so hot. Lucien came late and brought Mr. Spinney with him to dinner. Mrs. Case & Thompson coming on business. Mrs. Case came early and took me driving behind Mr. Herron's new horse. Mr. Thompson drove down with his wife. Lucien and I leave tomorrow for Wheeling & M.F. Wrote Tommy today we are coming.

July 3 - Lucien left on 9:20AM train for Wellsburg and I left on 12:50 train. We reached Wheeling about 4PM. Tommy came in McLure about 6PM. We took supper together & after, the election for King Rex of the coming carnival took place & they announced at 11:15PM - Harry Franzhison (SP). A very exciting time. Saw Mrs. A.J. James, Mrs. Handlon & Mrs. Percy Martin. Rained this morning & blew fearfully! Met Roy Wood on train going to McDonald to inspect a mine. He goes home tomorrow.

July 4 - Had breakfast about 8AM & then we left for Martin's Ferry. Kate came down, Mother Wood & Carolyn & Roy all for dinner. Phil did not come as expected. All remained for supper. Archie home from school. Charlie not home. Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Smith over to call. Lucien left about 8PM for Wheeling - going to see Phil on business. Alice and I will room together. Cooler tonight.

July 5 - Left Chic's 10:15AM. Carolyn Wood came over to see me. Will went to station. Reached East Liverpool 12:30PM & Mary went back to boarding house with me for dinner. All Billy's family home but Will who is in Grand Rapids buying furniture. They have two rooms furnished & take meals at "Club House". After supper we all went to Rock Springs on Street car & I had my first Roller Coaster ride. We left Ed on the floor of the Dance Hall with his best girl, I suppose. Mary & I will sleep together. Billy and Ed together.

July 6 - Some warmer today. Spent part of the day in store & all the evening. They said business was very quiet. About 3PM received a telegram from Lucien that he cannot reach home Sunday morning so I shall stay until Monday morning.

July 7 - All attended Church "Presbyterian", the one Billy & Mary have joined. Ed sang in Choir. In house all day only out for meals. Ed went into the Country for one of their horses, which they sent out to rest.

July 8 - Left East Liverpool 8AM for home (Pitts), reached here 10AM & went direct to office & then to "The Kenmawr" in time for Lunch. Turned very much cooler last night & quite cool this morning also cloudy. At the Kenmawr found letter from Mrs. Bowly. Lucien got his interest on his Traction Bonds, also dividend last week on Republic Steel Stock. Lucien and Phil spent Sunday in Findley & drove over to Fostoria in the afternoon. Called on the Palmer's and Hoege's, saw Mr. Davis & the Episcopal Rector called to see them.

July 9 - Cool but bright. Went over to Boggs & Buhls Store this morning and bought shirt waist "Harness" & sent to Mary Lewis, also one for Antionette. Returned in time for lunch. Wrote Ed Lewis this morning in regard to furniture ordered. Wrote Tommy, Mrs. Bowly & Antionette this afternoon. After dinner Lucien & I went to see Comic Opera "Mikado" at Duquesne Gardens. After had lunch in Ordinary & retired. Met Miss Bradley this evening & several other ladies of the house. (Mrs. Galloway & Mrs. Ainsley).

July 10 - Still cool. In my room all day. Still sewing on my white dress. Beautiful day. Lucien and I got the Keys of #43 & 44 & looked at the rooms. Lucien thinks we had better take the rooms & then we will have a place for Phil and Tommy when they care to come. Lucien got his new Life Ins. Policy today - $5,000.

July 11 - A hot rain coming. Went down to Horne's this morning, also called on Lucien - left the picture, taken of Tommy in Egypt, to be framed. Came home in time for Lunch. Engaged the two rooms & they have commenced to clean them. Lucien and I took a walk after dinner. Lucien talks of having Phil come over for Sunday. Delightfully cool this evening. Cannot sleep tonight probably from indigestion.

July 12 - Delightfully cool this morning. Did not go to sleep until after 4AM so did not arise for breakfast until 9AM. Wrote Philip this morning also note to Mrs. Brady. Mr. DeShinn has decided to buy paper for my sitting room. Finished my white batiste this afternoon & made white waist without arm pieces to wear with it. Lucien & I spent the evening on the Veranda. Miss Spear came over & I introduced Lucien. The sun quite hot about noon but cooled off this evening. The Thompsons back from Atlantic City.

July 13 - Delightfully cool this morning. I went down to Lucien's office & took some books for his stenographer who is going on her vacation Monday. Shopped at Horne's. After lunch made Pink Pin-Cushion for Tommy's room at Hospital. Washed some Hdk'f's. Lucien came home early. After dinner took a walk & Lucien showed me the Station at Liberty - called by Miss Spear "The Village". Lucien very tired tonight. Looked for Tommy this evening, but he did not come. Phil going to Moundsville this afternoon from Lancaster to see Russell Show------, Phil intends going to Mt. Lake Park Sunday.

July 14 - Sun very hot. Lucien and I went to Calvary Church this morning (service held in Parish House as Church is undergoing repairs. Both napped this afternoon.

July 15 - St. Swithin's Day! Papering the room I am going to use as sitting room. Raining this morning. Went to storage room & ordered some of my things sent out to "The Kenmawr". Lunched with Lucien at office. Saw Mrs. Thompson there at table. The paper for my room is quite pretty (Robin's Egg Blue) with baskets of roses scattered over it.

July 16 - The Paper Hanger finished my room (sitting room) & the House-Keeper has moved all my belongings this afternoon. Am going to be very comfortable! The moving from the storage house did not reach here until 5:30PM & wagon ret'd about 7:30PM but packer remained until 9PM unpacking. Lucien quite disgusted with the storage people. Lucien & I unrolled our Turkish Rugs and found them all right. Letter from Mrs. Brady.

July 17 - Piano cleaned and moved into my room. Rugs all down & everything in order. Sent my large trunk to "Trunk-Room" and received Brother Tommy's Steamer trunk which he used on his "Mediterranean Cruise" - enclosed in trunk was .75cents, the price Tommy got for my return ticket (Ex) to Pitts as I went to East Liverpool & could not use it. Letters from Mrs. Bowly & Brother (T) today. Lucien came home late. Our house is about sold - party wrote & offers $300.00 more than we had hoped to get. Raining this evening & cooler. Our two rooms are very home-like & I shall be very happy in them.

July 18 - Rained during the night & cooler this morning. Sent my two "Mossul Rugs" down stairs to be used. Lucien has tickets for Comic Opera - "Bohemian Girl" this evening. Enjoyed opera this evening more than all the others, this summer. Mr. Case there and between acts invited us back in the Garden part for Refreshments. Mr. Case not well.

July 19 - Went down to office to sign deed but Lucien was not ready, so went shopping - bought a screen for my sitting room - $6.00. Ret'd to office at noon, still not ready, came home to lunch and just after was called by telephone to be at office 4:30. Went on time and signed deed for house. Came home with Lucien. Phil leaves tomorrow to make us a visit. Letter from Phil, also note of thanks from Annie Horsley. Bought blue crepe cotton for short kimono. Wrote Will Lewis today.

July 20 - Quite warm. Cut out my short Kimono & finished it after Lunch. Lucien came home early & after dinner we sat out all evening watching for Phil, but in vain.

July 21 - Phil came before we were dressed this morning. So glad to see him. He looks well. He leaves this evening & Lucien bought tickets, also section in sleeping car for us yesterday & we also leave this evening for Atlantic City. We leave about 9PM. Will pack my trunk this afternoon. Phil left at 9:30PM & me at 9:20PM.

July 22 - Arrived in Atlantic City 10AM & Lucien went direct to meeting. Miss Holderby and Julia came at noon and all are stopping at Haddon Hall. After supper we all went to an auction sale of rugs & Lucien bid on two rugs which we got - one silk and on Anatolian - was quite surprised as we had no intention of buying. Julia and I called on Mrs. Lewis at "Winchester Cottage" on Ocean Ave but she, Billy & Ed were out sailing. Miss Holderby is to be the Stenographer for the Glass-men's meeting.

July 23 - Went back to auction rooms and exchanged silk rug for one better also exchanged Senna for a beautiful "Tabriz rug" & paid more money - silk one $125.00 - Tabriz one $150.00 & Anatolian rug $30.00, all lovely rugs. Two rugs shipped today & silk one I will take in my trunk. Billy came down just as we were going to supper & he & Mary had been down during the afternoon. Whilst walking on the Board-Walk came across Mr. & Mrs. Vinton Weaver, they are stopping at the "Dennis". Have made arrangements to go to the "Steel Pier" Cake Walk tomorrow evening.

July 24 - Went to see the Lewis family & found them all in. They all went bathing about 11 o'clock & I & Julia sat in chairs on the beach. Julia went back to Hotel at noon and brought up Lucien & Miss H- and they went in the briny deep. Went to auction this afternoon. Weaver's called for us and we went to Steel Pier and heard concert & saw cake walk, etc. Got back about 12:10 Midnight & had to walk up stairs, as the elevator had stopped. Bought a Japanese Umbrella Jar this evening.

July 25 - Thursday afternoon went out on Young's Pier & heard band play & saw Prof. Enoch (Swimmer teacher) dive from tower backwards into ocean inside fish net & saw them pull him up in basket. Saw them bring in the fish and saw the Girl in the "Lion's Den" Meeting closed today at noon instead of yesterday. Lucien & Mr. Carle went with us to see men dive about 5PM. Went to see Charmain this evening, saw the Weaver's & Billy and Mary. Yesterday evening the Weaver's, girls, Mr. Carle & ourselves went around the "Old Mill" in boats. All went bathing & I rested this morning.

July 26 - Brother came this morning and wanted us to go to Philadelphia tomorrow morning to see the "Launching of the Maine" - battleship - but will not go. Went out Young's Pier & saw them draw in the fish nets. Met Billy & family going after we all, including Mr. Carle, went to see the Performing horses on same Pier and from there saw the Girl in the Lion's Den & then to see the wonderful horse "Jim Key". On our return to Hotel rec'd a telegram forwarded from Pitts announcing the death of Leonides Martin on Thursday 25th at 10 o'clock. Cannot realize that Leon has gone! We will leave for home 6:45PM. Leon's death has shorted our trip but Lucien cannot get to Mich in time for the internment.

July 27 - Reached Pitts this morning safe at 7:30AM. Lucien & I got off at East Liberty and walked to Kenmawr Hotel for breakfast. After Lucien went to office. Found our rugs here, also Japanese Umbrella Jar. Went to office & Lucien has telegraphed for Phil to come this evening & stay over Monday. Bought 3 prs. socks for Philip, also "Hat Bleach" and have cleaned Lucien's Panama. Warmer today.

July 28 - Phil came in time for breakfast. After breakfast ordered carriage and all went to Highland Park - Mr. Merry called just as we were ready to start. Very hot today - one of the hottest of the season. Lucien & Phil napped on new rugs. Walked down to Howe Spring after dinner.

July 29 - Last night the hottest of the Season & going to be just as hot today. Phil went to office with Lucien. Letter from Tommy this morning. Wrote him this morning. Send washing to new woman this morning. Lucien, Phil & I went to Comic Opera - "Fra Diavola" at Duquesne Gardens. Lunch after opera at Kenmawr. Rained just as we were going to start to Duquesne Garden & rained hard whilst there. Cooled the atmosphere considerably.

July 30 - Not very much cooler this am. Went down town & shopped whilst my rooms were being cleaned. After Lunch walked around the veranda & visited with Mrs. Laughlin. Mrs. White came whilst there & she came to my room to see my new rugs. Phil leaves this evening for Lancaster. Lucien accompanied by Mess. Stevenson, Pres't, Herron, Vice Pres't & Case, Sec'y. Went to Bridgeport & Martins Ferry to see those factories. Phil left at 9:20PM. Lucien did not get back in time for dinner so Phil & I dined alone - after I went to station to see Phil off & meet his father who decided to get off at Birmingham. Mr. Thompson put me on a Shady Ave car & I found Lucien at home.

July 31 - We had quite a hard storm during the night - the lightening was very vivid so much so I closed the shutters. The atmosphere this morning is very much purified by the storm. Cooler, very delightful. The past few days have been the warmest of the season & Mr. DeShinn says the hottest he has known in this house. Too cool to sit out very long this evening. Letter from Nettie telling of Leon's death! It was very sudden - he went out to work Thursday morning & soon after came back and died at 1 o'clock. Mrs. White left the Kenmawr this evening - going to Maine with her husband on his vacation. Lucien has bad cold.

Aug 1 - Very cool and delightful this morning. Wrote Emma Martin a letter of condolence, also wrote Nettie. Finished a book Phil left "Gloria Munda". After lunch went down to office & had Miss Holderby mail the book Phil had left to Moundsville Parish House. Returned home & got ready to go with Lucien to Lancaster - sent Dress Suit Case by Express and after dinner went to station to wait for Lucien as he was so busy he could not come out. Cut out swiss scarfs for my toilet table so as to have something to work on whilst away. Left Pitts 9:20PM. Lucien has dreadful cold.

Aug 2 - Reached Columbus early & had breakfast before taking train for Lancaster (breakfasted at station). Reached Lancaster 9:30AM. Phil glad to see us. (Mr. Carle with us). Will go to Mithoff Hotel as Phil's place is full. Rained a little at noon. Very cool and delightful. Phil came down after the evening meal and took Mr. Carle out driving behind the finest horse in the state - "Fitz-Hugh Lee". After the drive spent the rest of the evening with us. Gave Phil some Pitts (Reymer's) candy & several boxes of cigars.

Aug 3 - Cool and pleasant but little cloudy this morning. All the men have gone to the factory. Bought for Lucien's cold bottled Piso's Cure. After dinner went to factory with the boys to see the new buildings Philip had put up - decorating room, cooper shop, etc. After supper bought some candy & all went down to "Shooting Gallery". Lucien very tired today. Cold better, but weak.

Aug 4 - Lucien & boys went to factory as it was necessary this morning. Cool Today. Lucien's cold better. The boys came back 1:45PM to dinner. After dinner Lucien & Phil went driving. I left with Lucien, Mr. Carle, also Mr. Dezer at 6:45PM for Columbus reaching there in time for dinner (1hr & 15 min). Was given room with bath. Retired early.

Aug 5 - Left Columbus 7:45AM for Findlay, reaching F- in several hours. Lucien & Mr. Carle attended to business & I walked around the town. The men came to dinner 1:30PM. Left Findlay 3PM for Fostoria - reached Fostoria in time for the men to look up some things at an old factory (abandoned) they wanted for the new Glass plant at Cambridge. Stopped at Earle House. After supper walked to the old places where we formerly lived - called at the Palmer's, who were all in Michigan (plucked some roses). Ended up the evening with a visit to Dr. Hoege's family. Found Phil's shaving brush in my satchel which his father had been using. Gave Mr. Dezer money to send Philip some Peaches.

Aug 6 - Mailed Phil's shaving brush from Fostoria before leaving. Eshelman & Herbaugh (druggists) gave me box. Left Fostoria 8:20AM, reached Albany, Ind. 12:20 - had lunch on train (buffet car). Mr. John Miller has been in charge of factory, just one week. Amanda and Annie will reach here tomorrow (Albany). So sorry to have missed them. Albany very small place fear they will find no congenial friends. Engaged a carriage for 5PM & have driven over to Dunkirk in time for summer - "Taft House" where we remained over night. Met Mr. C. Gill, Supt of the factory here & his agent this evening. Stopped at a store here & bought stripped blue calico for laundry bag so I will have something to do tomorrow.

Aug 7 - Lucien and I breakfasted together, after he went to Glass House & I posted a letter I had written to Phil & then cut out Laundry bag and have about finished it. Left Dunkirk 11:40AM, reached Marion 1:30 in time for dinner at "Spencer Hotel". The men after dinner went out to their factory ("couture factory") & returned with the Supt and his wife - Mr. & Mrs. Backius. After Mrs. B- took me a drive out to the "Soldier's House" to hear a concert by a Brass Band stationed at the house. Delightful and cool this evening.

Aug 8 - Left early 7AM via St. Cars for "Summitville" & I concluded to continue the trip to Anderson - 36 miles - Summitville half way 18 miles. Returned to Summitville factory ("Central" for Lucien and Mr. Carle, Left on 12:30 and did not reach Marion until 2PM on a/c of crowd going to fair at Fairmont, Ind - the Gala day of the year for this section! We were too late for dinner and had to go to a Restaurant for Lunch. Wrote Phil today. Lucien rested some this afternoon. After supper we went to Mr. Addington's Livery Stable & engaged a Carriage & driver to take us to Greentown early - 5AM - as the morning train had been taken off and Lucien had to be back for the 2:45 for Columbus. Retired early after leaving a call for 4:30AM.

Aug 9 - Arose at 4:30AM and went out to a Restaurant for breakfast (too early for the Hotel meal) and wagon on time & we started at 5:50AM. Delightful & cool, reached Greentown 8:30AM - 18 miles (Greentown sort of demoralized as the fair only closed last night). Left Greentown 10:30 AM on our homeward drive. Not so pleasant returning as the sun was very hot & roads fearfully dusty & very windy! Reached Marion 2PM, again too late for Hotel dinner, so went to some Restaurant a few doors below, which is open night and day. Left Marion for Columbus 2:45PM & reached destination 8:15PM & was met by Phil at Station. (Lucien had telegraphed him to meet us at C-). All went to "Chittendon Hotel" and had dinner, spent evening in Phil's room & left for home 11PM.

Aug 10 - Phil will return to Lancaster this morning. We reached Pitts on time about 7:30AM. So glad to get back to "Kenmawr", found my rooms so clean & waiting for me. Unpacked my luggage & took a nap before lunch as I did not sleep well last night. Finished my Toilet Table Cover I had commenced in Lancaster & took a good bath. Lucien came early & he also took a bath. He is just as glad to get home as I! Spent the evening out on the Veranda with Lucien & Mr. Lyon, an old Glass Manufacturer. Rained a little about noon. Getting extremely hot although the evening is a typical August evening.

August 11 - Cool & delightful. Slept late this morning. Read the morning paper out on Veranda & then took a walk on fifth Ave and down to Mr. Wallace's Livery Barn - trying to encourage an appetite for lunch. Read and rested in our own apartments all afternoon. After dinner spent the evening with Mrs. Gill & Mr. Lyon after she retired. Mr. Gill in Mexico.

August 12 - Very cool this morning & cloudy. Message from Lucien - he will not be out to dinner this evening, suppose he proposes working tonight. Cleaned Lucien's Straw Hat with "Hat-Bleach". Letter from Mrs. Bowly this evening. Lucien dictated letters to Miss Holderby until 10:30PM. Miss Spear called this evening.

Aug 13 - First "Fog" of the season - very damp early. Sun came out bright & very delightful this morning. Went over to F\Trunk room & got old receipts & found that our bill had been paid. Wrote Mrs. Bowly & Philip today. Meeting of board of Directors today, officers elected for the year the only change, Mr. Herron elected Pres't of the Company. Lucien came home late to dinner brought letter from Chic - she and Will leave today for Michigan on a two week's visit. Sorry we cannot go. Packed Lucien's satchel & he left for NY on the 10PM train. Will be gone two days & three nights.

Aug 14 - Arose at 8:30AM. After reading the Dispatch went down town - paid Horne's bill & Gleskamp for fixing shafts of Stanhope & L's Run-a-Bout. Bought some wash-cloths etc. The afternoon very long! Dined at 8PM & after met the Thompson's in the Hall - here to see a room. Returned Miss Spear's call this evening. Some warmer this evening.

Aug 15 - Did not sleep well last night & bad dreams - an indigestible dinner, I suppose. Rained very hard during the night & still raining this morning. Cooler weather predicted! Went down to City and bought pattern for my new White Wool waist & have cut it out. Has cleared off this evening & temperature delightful. Only one more night until Lucien returns as he promised to breakfast with me tomorrow morning. After dinner visited with Mrs. Brooks & she also came to my room & called.

Aug 16 - Waited breakfast this morning until Lucien came which was 9AM. (came in on train 8:55AM from NY) So glad to see him. After breakfast L- shaved & changed his clothes & visited out on seat under the Grand old maples of Kenmawr whilst smoking a cigar & then went to office. After lunch called on Anna Rolf (Mrs. Will Rolf) & found her moving to Walker Flats. Will has charge of the Wellsberg factory for a few days until they can supply a supt. From calling went to office & came home with Lucien. Letter from Nettie wanting us to come whilst Chic & Will are there. Mr. & Mrs. Merry called & spent the evening.

Aug 17 - Before leaving this morning Lucien got all ready for Moundsville - we leave 3:30PM - found note from Mrs. Bowly yesterday on my return to Hotel insisting on our coming down today. Wrote Phil, Mr. Bayless cannot join us on our Bedford trip. Wrote Will Lewis in regard to Couch & chair ordered. The Uncle of Miss Bradley & Fitz-Hugh Lee - Crensers - (McGregor stock) became King of the Turf in a race in NY on 15th August. Lucien quite elated over it. Left for Moundsville 3:30PM - stopped long enough in Wheeling for supper. Dr. Price & Sister met us at Station. All delighted to see us at the house of Bruce. All well. Quite warm today.

Aug 18 - Lucien & I went to Church with Mrs. Bowly this morning. Rev. Spurr came home to dinner. Miss Perkins still with the Bruce's. Mrs. Bowly, Lucien & I went to the Cockaynes for Tea. Very pleasant time.

Aug 19 - Lucien left at 8:30 for Marietta. Mrs. Bowly, Mr. B-- and I drove out to the Fairgrounds to see our horses. Sister drove out behind Harry with Mr. D---. After our drive called on Mrs. Cox & Mrs. Weaver. Left for Wheeling at 3PM - took supper with Tommy at McLure & he accompanied me to train to meet Lucien. Gave Tommy the new Pin-cushion for Hospital. Raining this evening.

Aug 20 - Reached Kenmawr last evening 10PM. Lucien partook of Lunch & then we retired. Raining this morning. Expect Carrie C- this afternoon to spend night on her way to Buffalo. Ceased raining early in the day. Met Miss Carrie Cockayne & friends at 1:05PM train & all went shopping. Miss Carrie & I came home 5:30PM. After dinner all went to Duquesne Gardens to see "Il Travatore" (My favorite opera), first grand opera at the Gardens this year. Last week of the Opera & after this the Garden will be used as repair barn by the Traction Co. Opera very well put on!

Aug 21 - Lovely, but very warm. Went to Station with Miss Carrie & saw the girls off to Buffalo. Called to see Lucien at office & then went to Bogg's & Buhl's - shopping. Also to several jewelry stores to please Lucien. Came home to Lunch. Stationary came this afternoon. I ordered directly from Putnam's, NY. Lucien and I home all evening. Called on Mrs. Brooks & loaned her Howell's farce, "The Albany Depot".

Aug 22 - Bright and warm. Wrote Philip this morning. Sewed on White Wool Waist. Not out today but Lucien and I took a walk after dinner & retired early. Very warm today. Bedford water came today by xpress. Sent pattern of skirt to Mary Bruce. Argonaut came today. Visited this evening with Mr. & Mrs. Laughlin and Miss Bradley.

Aug 23 - Warm and bright. Went down to Lucien's office & remained for lunch - invitation from Mr. Case & Lucien. After lunch Lucien went with me to Robert's & selected my solitaire - beautiful one $430.00. Got my opal and diamond ring at Herron's where it was for repairs - entire new ring as old one was completely worn out & several diamonds lost. It is now as lovely as when new, as they also polished the opal. Letter from Phil saying he may come on Sunday to visit. Retired early. Rained today and cooler this evening.

Aug 24 - Went down to Robert's & got my solitaire as they had to make ring for setting. Home for Lunch. Rained & blew fearfully, about 1:30PM. Bought some candy this morning at Reymer's new store on 5th Ave - just opened today, so they gave me a box of mints. Phil reached home 8:15PM, one hour late on account of wreck ahead of his train. Dinner kept warm for him. So glad to see him. Spent evening at home.

Aug 25 - Cool & beautiful. After breakfast all walked down to Mr. William's Livery & got trap & driver and we drove to Shenley Park via Beechwood Boulevard & visited Phipps Conservatory. After lunch we took car ride to Station - Lucien bought his sleeping car berth & then we met Mr. Merry and his visitor, Mr. Shriver, who came this morning & leaves this evening, taking with him Mr. Merry's little girl Margaret. From station we all rode out to Mr. Merry's & made short call. Christened my new white wool waist this evening. Lucien left us at 8:45PM - will go to Bowling Green on 9:15PM train - will return Tuesday morning.

Aug 26 - Beautiful & cool today. Phil went to office at 9AM - took baggage & may leave about 1PM. Took a st car ride this morning. Phil left for Lancaster after taking lunch at office.

Aug 27 - Went down town this morning, called at Lucien's office - did not see him, but he has returned. Some warmer this evening. Lucien had very nice visit at Mr. Case's Bowling Green yesterday - they had invited some friends to dinner.

Aug 28 - Went to Mrs. Merry's & invited them to dinner this evening from there took car and went to office & invited Mr. Merry as Mrs. had accepted. Bought muslin for Phil's Night Shirts. Wrote Donaldson & Morgan, also Kate. Looks very like rain this afternoon. Beautiful day, although early part looked like rain. Mr. & Mrs. Merry came at 6:45PM - had very nice dinner. Fire back of Hotel at 8PM which made thinks look threatening for a while. The Merry's left at 10PM. Enjoyed their visit very much.

Aug 29 - Beautiful this morning but cool. Lucien went to Jeanette - will return at noon to office. Cut out Phil's night shirts. Sewed on Night Shirts all day. Lucien and I spent the evening with Mr. Lyon - an old Glass man. Warm today and evening.

Aug 30 - Beautiful morning, went down town and left my umbrella on seat of car. Took my glasses to Herron Bros to be repaired. Bought gold studs for Lucien & 3 prs of stockings. Telephoned out to Hornewood Car barn in regard to my umbrella & they have it - turned in by Motorman. Finished one of Phil's shirts - & have commenced the 2nd. Mr. Merry came home with Lucien for our Dress Suit Case - they go tomorrow to Buffalo. Rained quite hard this afternoon & cool enough for wraps. The morning paper stated there had been snow in Denver. Also snow in England recently. Wrote Phil today.

Aug 31 - First quarterly check to Iken. Beautiful morning. Quite cool! Went to the Village (East Liberty) & took white-line car to "Hornewood Barn", got my lost umbrella. From the barn went to city - called for my glasses at Herron Bros. & then to see Lucien for a few moments whilst there Mr's McFadden & Parkinson called in their retinue from vacation. Mr. Merry, wife & baby left this morning for Buffalo. Met Mr. Nickinson of Boston in L's office. Wrote Mrs. Bruce, also Mary Bruce. Met Mr. Gill for the first time this evening. Spent the evening with Mr. & Mrs. Gill on Veranda. Quite cool this evening.

Sept 1 - Very cool this morning. Lucien & I took a long walk out Shady Ave to Forbes St & waited for a car & rode into the City & then took a Shady Ave for home. After lunch L- took a nap. Too cool to sit out.

Sept 2 - Labor Day. Quite cool this morning. The fore-noon beautiful & part of afternoon. Commenced raining 5:30AM. A cloud burst in Cleveland did a great deal of damage. Lucien suffering with Neuralgia. Evenings very cool! Mrs. Gill called this morning but I was visiting Mrs. Laughlin.

Sept 3 - Cleaning day so I went down to the City - went to bank & made a deposit for Lucien also to "Carnegie Building" & subscribed for two season tickets - and seats will be auctioned off in October (simply to avoid the rush for seats & having to stand in line so long). Lunched with Lucien & Mr. Strasberg, all the rest away - Mr. Case sick. Went to Horne's & Bogg's & Buhl's. Wrote Philip, wrote Mr. Nagle & Miss K. Wright. After dinner Lucien and I called on Dr. Goulding in regard to a good S---gion for Miss Holderby's Sister's Child of Mexico. A beautiful day but cool mornings & evening.

Sept 4 - Bright & beautiful. Went to freight station to see about chair last trip - suppose it is lost. Called on Lucien, had his prescription filled & shopped some. Letter from Donaldson & Morgan this morning in regard to exchanging Stanhope. Letter from Mrs. Bruce saying Mary will come on Friday. Lucien intends going to Ind. tomorrow night, so have written Phil who will not go to Buffalo this week. Warmer tonight, wore my Elbosvid plumed white gown.

Sept 5 - Finished Phil's night shirts and sent them by express this morning. Went to storage room. Bill from Putnam's NY. Lucien will telephone the Bruce family for Mary to come. Lucien did not return for dinner but has undoubtedly taken his train for Indiana as expected. Spent part of the evening with Mr. & Mrs. Laughlin & then went up with Mrs. Gill and visited a while. Am reading "Crises" by Churchill. Beautiful day and evening.

Sept 6 - Assassination of Presn't McKinley. Telegram from Lucien saying Miss Bruce will come on same train Miss Carrie C- came on. Left here 12:15Noon to meet Miss Mary. Train 7 min late. Telephoned to Kenmawr to keep two lunches for us as we would be late. Miss Mary wrote Postal to her mother. Letter from Mr. Nagle saying he will be pleased to make a suit. Mrs. Brooks called, also Mrs. Gill & spent part of the evening. On inquiry Mrs. Brooks is an acquaintance of Mary Bruce's friend Miss McEhren & Mr. Gill is Uncle of Mary's friend & Dr. Miss Rachel Robins. Dreadful rains this evening of the Assassination of Pres't McKinley at the Pan-American Ex.

Sept 7 - Smoky or Cloudy this morning. Went shopping this morning. Called on Dr. Rachael Robbins but she was away from town. After Lunch went out Forbes St - East End - to call on Mary's friend formerly Miss Ann McEhren now Mrs. Borgarstram. Beautiful day. Lucien returned from Indiana this morning. Pres't supposed to be improving.

Sept 8 - Beautiful morning. After breakfast we went driving through "Shenley Park" in a trap & stopped at Conservatory. After lunch talked and read. Tommy did not come as expected instead a letter from him. Took a walk after dinner.

Sept 9 - Beautiful morning. Visited the "Shakespeare Kindergarten" - East End and then shopping & home before lunch. Mrs. (McEhren) Bergerstram here to Lunch, by invitation (friend of Mary Bruce). After lunch visited Kennywood Prk & returned home late & tired.

Sept 10 - After breakfast went to Kindergarten at "Friendship" School - East End & from there to College & then to Horne's store. Late to lunch. Sewed the rest of the afternoon on Mary's Point De Sprit (white) a dress she wants for the wedding (Lou Beall's) Visited with the Hotel Ladies in the Drawing room around a gas fire. Quite cool & rained today. Pres't McKinley reported improving steadily.

Sept 11 - Went to Kindergarten School "Rose St" also Kindergarten College with Mary and Mrs. Holmes. After Lunch went shopping & returned late. Raining nearly all day. After dinner all went to Exposition & came home tired and weary about 11PM. Letter from Nettie. Pres't McKinley's condition reported improved.

Sept 12 - Pres't considered improving. Raining. After breakfast Mary Bruce & I went to call on Dr. Rachel Robbins - Mary's College friend. After lunch Mary packed up & went to see Mrs. Laughlin. We left for Station 2:45PM. Lucien sent man to carry baggage from car to station. Saw Mary off 3:35PM. Went to call on Lucien from station & shopped. Lucien came home tired but early. Retired early both sort of worn out.

Sept 13 - Pres't McKinley worse this morning, heart failure (sinking spell during the night). Wrote Philip this morning. Finished book "Crises" by Churchill. First nourishment given the Pres't yesterday which could not be digested. Cut out the white silk for Knife Pleatings for Mary Bruce. Miss Spear called this evening. Lucien on coming home announced I am to go with him to Lancaster tonight. Have packed baggage & ready to leave on 9:35PM train.

Sept 14 - Pres't McKinley died at 2:15AM. Reached Columbus early & had breakfast in station. Reached Lancaster 9:30AM. Phil well & glad to see us. Spent morning at factory and afternoon at Mithoff Hotel. After supper we all went to Mr. Shoevel's to call, whilst there we must have had a cloud burst - the rain came down in torrents. Met Phil's new man who has been with him only a few days - Mr. Darnell. Everyone shocked at the death of the Pres't. Lucien telegraphed Tommy we were not home - as he told Phil probably he would come to see us on Sunday.

Sept 15 - Raining today. Pres't Roosevelt swore in office yesterday afternoon at Buffalo. Spent the morning at office & after dinner (Phil with us all day) we went to see Christmas Rock via Rail Road. After supper left on 6:45PM train to Columbus. Phil drove me to station behind Fitz-Hugh Lee, who is looking fine.

Sept 16 - Reached Pitts two hours late & had to breakfast down town. Every place deep mourning - how the country is saddened. Commenced Knife Pleating for Mary Bruce. Found letter from Mary Bruce. Mr. Case home for dinner - came in evening dress. Pres't McKinley's funeral train left Buffalo this morning for Washington.

Sept 17 - Raining this morning. Pres't McKinley's body to be in state at Capital all day & will leave tonight for Canton, Ohio - leaves Washington City 9PM. Went down to Lucien's office, whilst house-cleaning was going on. Came back to late Lunch & found Couch & chair here ordered by Lewis Bros July 5th. This must be the Equinox as it is so cold and raining all day. Sent Mary Bruce her Knife Pleating. Sent Phil the book he wanted & wrote him, also wrote brother Tommy to join us on our excursion to Buffalo.

Sept 18 - Lucien left this morning for Wellsburg to spend the day. The body of the late Pres't passed through our City (Pitts) at 9:15 - two sections of train - without stopping, but ran slowly so everyone could see the remains as they were placed in the center of observation car & completely covered with flowers. (Lucien saw the train from station). Never was grief so general for a departed Pres't- Protestant and Catholic alike! This morning went to store for Mrs. Bruce & sent by mail her order. Letter from Mrs. Bruce, also Tommy. Went to Boggs & Buhl & bought Taboret, also exchanged screen. Took lunch at "Helping Hands". Lucien came late 7:10PM. Bright but cool.

Sept 19 - Day of burial services for the late Pres't. Bright but cold - the morning paper states snow in Ind & Kansas City, Killing frost. Business suspended all over the country today, even St. Cars 5 or ten min during the hour of funeral services at Canton (Pres't McKinley's body to be entombed this afternoon). Day quieter than Sunday, even. Lucien went with me to memorial services at 2:30PM. "Trinity Church", addresses by Bishop Whitehand & the Rector (the Bishop & eight Clergymen also choir marshall up the center aisle chanting the services for the dead). Beautiful and impressive were the services. Cold enough for fires. Pres't McKinley's body laid to rest in Receiving tomb until a fitting place is erected to his memory.

Sept 20 - Cold and October like. Fire in grate. Have sent expressed Dress suit case to Buffalo, N.Y. Lucien and I leave at 1:15PM. Phil leaves Lancaster this evening to join us at Buffalo. Met Lucien at Station & secured Chair Car to Buffalo, reaching there 8:15PM, engaged carriage and were driven out to Mrs. Davis - #780 Elmwood St. Davis family gave us a hearty welcome. (Mrs. Davis of Fostoria keeping Lodgers during the Ex.)

Sept 21 - Lucien arose early and went to "Iroquois Hotel" to meet Philip as we had planned. Brought him out to breakfast. Phil reached Buffalo shortly after 6AM. After breakfast all went to Exposition & spend the morning among the different exhibits and lunched at "Nuremburg" on Midway. After we spent on Midway & dinned at "Nuremburg" from there to Temple of Music to the illumination come on. The Electric display the finest in the world as the power comes from Niagara Falls. Temple of Music building where Pres't McKinley was shot - little fence around the spot & throngs of people coming to see the spot. What morbid Curiosity.

Sept 22 - Went to Niagara Falls via R.R., took St. Car line (Gorge route) passed the most beautiful scenery along the Whirl-pool rapids & beyond the Whirlpool & transferred to cars on the Canadian side to the Falls & then to the American side. Dined at "Catarach" House - coming out of dining room met Mr. Bayless of Ky with a party of gentlemen going to Canada to fish & hunt. Returned to Buffalo City.

Sept 23 - All went to Ex. again - visited the Government buildings & foreign buildings. Saw the first Baby Incubator in this country. Bostrek's wild animals fine! The Johnstown flood very good! The trip to the Moon a fake! After lunch we went to Nat'l Glass works on Midway & were given Cards of spun glass for curtains. Left early and got baggage & went to Iroquois Hotel & checked it & then went shopping. Bought Phil a new silk umbrella & he bought shoes. Returned to Hotel for dinner & after went to theatre. We left Buffalo 11PM & Phil 12PM.

Sept 24 - Reached Pitts 9AM, breakfasted at station. Lucien went to office & will leave this evening for Lancaster. I took next train for Wheeling as I had an engagement with Mr. Nagle the tailor, reached Wheeling 12:30 noon, got Lunch & attended to my business & then went to Chic's in M.F. visited with her over night. Kate came down. Alice teaching in Cumberland. Archie gone back to Ann Arbor, Chic & Will alone.

After breakfast we went out to Kate's to see the improvements in her neighborhood and after I left for Wheeling, going to Plate & H--- for dinner & then to Mr. Nagle's to be fitted. After went to McLure & visited with Tommy - will stay several days with Tommy as Billy is better. Tommy said Lucien came about Midnight & called him thinking I was at Hotel, so he left early this morning in company with Mr. Carle. Tommy wanted me to attend the Reception & Ball to the Governor at the Casino - not having an evening dress of course I could not go. Tommy & I took a walk & went to Train & there I saw Millie Clark & called on Mr. & Mrs. Wood.

Sept 26 - Tommy got up early and went to Marietta this morning. Went around to see Miss Kate Wright, but she was still East. Went to Moundsville to see the Bruce family & dined with them. After dinner Mary left for Broke Co to attend the Ball wedding on Saturday. Sister Bowly already there & Mrs. Bowly goes tomorrow. Reached McLure House 5:30PM & waited supper for Tommy who came late. After supper we took a walk & retired early.

Sept 27 - Tommy got up early, too early for me, so I breakfast alone. Tommy came to dinner about 12:30. After dinner he had his horse Dan hitched up and I went with him several places on business - one place the steel works in Benwood, from there to Donaldson's & Morgan's to see about his buggy. Took a short walk after supper. Saw Mrs. A.J. Jones & had quite a long confab. Ordered a new suit hat from Somebon's. Beautiful Autumnal weather.

Sept 28 - Breakfasted early with Tommy, after returned corset to Stifels and then called on Jessie Martin Nicoll at the Metcalf boarding house. Ret'd to Hotel and found Tommy who had come in with a lovely bottle of "Essence of Violets" for me. Left Wheeling 11AM. Tommy went to station & bought my ticket. He is coming up tomorrow. A number of young girls going to Lou Ball's wedding, Broke Co. Reached "Kenmawr" in time for Lunch - found my new screen here from Boggs' & Buhl's. Lucien came about 6PM - had been to train to meet me. He saw Mrs. Lillian Smith at Station on her way down to see Millie Parks who is reported dying with consumption. Phil leaves Lancaster tonight on his vacation.

Sept 29 - Tommy came in time for breakfast. Beautiful morning but rained before lunch. Brother bought up his ledger for Lucien to post. After lunch sat out a while and then came up stairs and Tommy & Lucien had each a nap. John Miller came about 5:30PM and brought a man for Lucien to see. After dinner talked a while & then Tommy took his departure for home - train leaving 8:45PM - B&O. Warm today & raining.

Sept 30 - Sent Laundry this morning. After lunch went down to Lucien's office with satchel packed for him as he had telephoned that he would leave 4:30PM for Fairmont. Took Cameo Lucien bought me at Buffalo Ex. to Herron Bros to be set. Bought at same store a sterling silver purse. Paid Boggs & Buhl for screen & bought "The Right of Way" by Gilbert Parker.

Oct 1 - Bright this morning. Cut out my new stripped silk waist. Wrote Mary Lewis. The maid on my floor (Rebecca) left last evening. Lucien returned 10PM - Had stopped in Wheeling & left measurement for new suit. Did not see brother.

Oct 2 - Raining this morning & cooler. After Lunch went down, City, to shop. Bought small purse for loose money. Letter to Lucien from Mary Lewis enquiring my "Whereabouts". Went to office and Lucien said "not home for dinner tonight" (an evening session of the meeting of Directors). Dined alone tonight and Lucien did not return until 11PM - all the men had dinner at Lincoln Hotel (Mr. Stephenson and Herron present). Mr. Merry saw Philip in Bal't on Sunday.

Oct 3 - Bright & beautiful this morning but cold enough for fires. Wrote Ashbaugh & Dittnich to send Seal Sacque by express. Sewed most of the day - did not go out as usual. Looked for Philip but his father says he is back in Lancaster again - reached there this morning after he telephoned Mr. Case from there this morning. Think he has shortened his vacation several days! Lucien came out on train this evening. Very cold & sharp tonight.

Oct 4 - First frost last night and consequently very cold this morning, but bright. Wrote Philip. After lunch went down to Lucien's office & gave him Daily Intelligencer I rec'd from Tommy in regard to Mr. Ed Muhlumie (Sp) new factory to be erected in Bellaire, Ohio. Stopped at Herron Bros & got cameo Lucien bought at Buffalo & which I had set. Shopped some & came home early. Lucien came late was detained by Mr. Loeb of Mexico.

Oct 5 - Very cold and heavy fog this morning. Sewed part of the day & after Lunch took a walk over to the Village, bought some calomel & candy. Seal Skin Sacque came today. Lucien came home early also brought some candy (2 lbs fine Reymer's candy) - great minds move in one channel!

Oct 6 - After a late breakfast took a long walk up Woodlawn Ave. After Lunch Lucien commenced reading "The Right of Way" & finished in the evening. We had long talk with Mr. McAfee in "Red Room". Beautiful day, but cool.

Oct 7 - Lovely cool morning. After Lunch as the maid wished to clean my rooms went down to Lucien's office, also took my spectacles or rather eye-glasses, he broke this morning, to Heeron Bros to be repaired. Lucien and I went over to Allegheny to see some fine Glass & on return stopped at Dentists - Lucien having a tooth filled. Came home with Lucien late to dinner. This morning Mr. Armor sent a note & I answered by boy thanking him for his interest in our affairs. Seal Skin Sacque came from Storage (Ashbaugh & Dittrich, Detroit) on Saturday evening.

Oct 8 - Lucien left early this AM for Cleveland & then Chicago - Mr. Thompson going with him. Letter from Phil this morning. Wrote Phil this morning, Beautiful day! Miss Spear and I took a St. car ride - Car 6th Ave & Smithfield St to Riverview Pk car and went over the river and up the hill over lovely country and magnificent views. Letter from Philip. Retired early 0 very lonesome without Lucien. Warmer today. Ordered some Gloves from Miss Campbell today, also velvet ribbon.

Oct 9 - Had late breakfast. Looks very like rain this morning. Letter from Mary Bruce saying Mr. & Mrs. Spurr had really separated. New hat by express this morning from Sonneborn's, Wheeling - Suit hat. Wrote Tommy this morning that I had opened an a/c in his name at Geo R. Taylor's. Gave Mr. Lion the John Wannamaker's magazine in regard to the manufacturing of the electricity of the Pan-American. Raining this evening. Met Mrs. Kuhl this evening.

Oct 10 - After breakfast went down town for an outing. Got some Filax at Horne's for my coffee pot. Message from Lucien - he will start tonight for home. Went to see Mrs. Laughlin in regard to the making of slippers for Mary Bruce. Dined early & sewed & read all evening. Cannot sleep so st up in bed and read until 2AM.

Oct 11 - Very heavy fog this morning. Kid gloves came this morning from Geo R. Taylor Co. Sun came out warm & beautifully! Lucien came home early to dinner, reached Pitts this morning. Mrs. Holmes leaves tonight for Buffalo. Not out today, but finished my red flowered waist.

Oct 12 - Not bright, looks very like rain. Sick head-ache, so will take an outing after lunch. Went to Lucien's office, waited for him & we came home 5:30PM. Two hours to wait dinner as Phil is coming. Phil came 6:30PM train & reached Kenmawr 7:45PM in time for dinner. So glad to see him & he looks well. Raining tonight. Sat up until 11:30PM talking. How lovely to have Phil with us.

Oct 13 - Late breakfast this morning & after a long walk. Lucien better today, but not well enough to go out in the afternoon, so Phil took a long nap. Telegram to Lucien from Mr. Carle that he had to go to Wheeling. Mr. Thompson came to see Lucien about six PM. Phil left for home (Lancaster) about 9:30PM. So sorry to have him go.

Oct 14 - Fair this morning, but heavy fog early. After Lunch went down to the City & over to Allegheny & back to Lucien's office & came home with him. Letter from Nettie. Mrs. Gill called this evening.

Oct 15 - Beautiful & bright this morning, but crisp the atmosphere. Judge & Mrs. Branden leave today for California, Mr. & Mrs. Scull take their rooms. Went over to the Village before Lunch. Man fixing the bolt of door today (Sitting room). Beautiful & bright all day.

Oct 16 - Went down town this morning & lunched at Woman's Exchange. Shopped some & went to Dentists & had one root & one tooth extracted. After dinner wrote Philip. Warmer today, beautiful and bright. Mrs. Holmes returned last night sick and was confined to her bed. Buffalo did not seem to agree with her.

Mary & Lucien at the Kenmawr

Oct 17 - Colder today and dreary! Went in to see Mrs. Holmes, who has wretched cold, in bed for all this week. Met Mrs. White in Mrs. H-'s room & she came in my rooms for a few moments. Took Mrs. Holmes "The Right of Way" to read. Cut out my new blue silk waist. Lucien dining this evening at Lincoln Hotel in Company with Mess. Herron, Stevenson, Case, Carle and Thompson. He came home 10:30PM. Sat up late talking.

Oct 18 - Colder this morning although bright. Wrote Philip & Mr. Nagle. Went to see Dentist & called for Lucien & we came home together.

Oct 19 - Went to Dentist this morning & from there to station. Lucien went to Wheeling on early train & I will leave 12:55PM. Met Lucien soon after I got off the train. Went to Dr. Bruce's in time for tea & stayed all night. Letter from Tommy saying he is going to East Liverpool to see Billy as he is not well & intends going to "Cambridge Springs" soon. The Bruce family delighted to see us.

Oct 20 - After breakfast Mrs. Bruce took us out to Fairgrounds in their surrey to see our horses - Mrs. Bowly also went. After dinner we left for Martin's Ferry stopping at Fred Pool's on our way. Found Chic well but Roy home sick with Bronchial cold. After Tea returned to McLure & stayed all night.

Oct 21 - Tommy still away. Am fitted for my new Tailor suit. Lucien left for home on early train and I left at 1:35PM. On reaching Pitts went direct to Dentists & then for Lucien who returned with me to Dentist's & then home. Beautiful weather.

Oct 22 - At Dentist's again this morning & then to L-'s office for a vase for my dinner party this evening. After Lunch went to Randolph & McClements for carnations & smilax for my dinner or rather Lucien's dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Case in whose honor the dinner was given, also Mr. & Mrs. Merry & Mr. & Mrs. Thompson. Dinner fine & served beautifully in the Ordinary & as private as though in our own home. The Merry's have invited us all to dinner tomorrow & Mr. Case will have a Theatre party on Thursday. What a festive week. Warm & beautiful.

Oct 23 - Beautiful & bright. Wrote Philip this morning. Commenced on red silk waist this morning. Lucien came home early as we go to the Merry's this evening for dinner. Delightful time at the Merry's, came home 11:30PM. Mr. & Mrs. Case, Mr & Mrs. Thompson there. So warm this evening, like late spring.

Oct 24 - Another bright, warm & beautiful day. No fire in my rooms either yesterday or today. Wrote Tommy also Mary Lewis this morning. Day of the Auction Sale of Orchestra tickets (season tickets). Went to Dentist's but did not get my work finished. Lucien came home 6PM so we were rushed to get dressed & dined in time for the Case's Theatre party which included wine & after had lunch at Hotel Lincoln. I retired at 2AM. Colder this evening. Letter from Mr. Nagle saying he could not finish my Gown in time for this evening.

Oct 25 - Bright but cold. Slept late on account of retiring this AM at 2. Wrote Will Lewis about Phil's chair. Lucien did not get tickets for the orchestra as they sold at such a high premium. Retired early. Letter from Antionette today.

Oct 26 - Telephone message from the Dentist to come at 11AM. Wrote Mary Bruce. Went down to Dentists & from there to Lucien's office to see Phil who came on early train. Ordered through Horne's the "Onargo" collar for Lucien. Came home to Lunch. Brown Plush chair came today. Lucien & Phil came 6:15PM. After dinner we went to see "San Toy" and Phil enjoyed it very much. Lunched after coming home. Beautiful weather, warmer this evening.

Oct 27 - After a late breakfast read all morning. Rained a little. After lunch we went to see the "Mum" show at Shenley Conservatory - over 10,000 people there today. Beautiful display. Had to go to the Gill table on a/c of Miss Singer being home. Phil left for home about 8:45PM. Weather looks rainy, but warm.

Oct 28 - Still warm this morning but very hazy or smoky. Lucien's new clothes from Broome Bros, Wheeling came today. Sent Nettie some papers. Took a walk over to the "Village" (East Liberty) Called at Mrs. Holmes room. Letter from Mary Lewis.

Oct 29 - Warm this morning, no fire in rooms. Note from "Conservatory of Music". Leon Czolgosz, the Assassin of Pres't McKinley ("Assassin, Anarchist & Atheist") pays the penalty of his crime in the electric chair this morning at 7AM.

Oct 30 - Beautiful day & warm. Sewing on my new red silk waist. Sent a note to Mrs. White's room to know if this evening will be convenient for us to come to hear her play, in answer she is not well but some evening later on. After dinner went over to see Miss Spear & crocheted an edge on a pair of bedroom slippers for her, whilst there. Wrote Mr. Nagle this morning that I must have my tailor made suit.

Oct 31 - Another beautiful day. After breakfast went shopping - got collars (doz) for Lucien ordered by "Horne's". After lunch sewed all afternoon. Letter from Tommy enclosing letters from Billy at Cambridge Springs. After dinner wrote Phil & Lucien wrote Tommy & sent him prospectus of mining stock. This is All Halloween, but a very quite one for us. Called at Mrs. Holmes' room a few moments to inquire about her.

Nov 1 - Raining this morning. Engagement with Dentist today. After Lunch went to Dentist & from there to Lucien's office & came home with him early. Met Roy this afternoon on street. Had a little confab with Phil this afternoon over the telephone (long distance). Phil in Lancaster & I in Pitts. Lucien had called him up on business. Lucien bought season tickets for the coming orchestra ($15.00 per seat). Went to see Francis Wilson at the Alvin Theatre. Cooler this evening. Lucien brought home "Cut Glass Bowl" - Hobnail pattern - he bought of the National.

Nov 2 - Bright but cool this morning. Tailor made suit came about noon and am very much pleased with it. Wrote Mary Campbell for White Taffeta & velvet ribbon. Wore my new red silk waist. Retired early.

Nov 3 - A beautiful morning. Mr. McAfee took us up to the roof & what a magnificent view. We also went to his room & he then came to ours. After Lunch we went to the Conservatory but did not go in on account of the immense crowd; but came back to Carnegie Library & attended Organ Recital at Music Hall. Trial Concert by Mr. Lamore & consequently the Hall was crowded. Reached home 6:30PM. Mr. Lamore very fine.

Nov 4 - Cooler - raining & snowing some little, very much colder weather predicted. Wrote Phil in regard to his books. Wrote Will Lewis for a unit bookcase. Sent papers to Antionette. Lucien not home to dinner, suppose he went to Martin's Ferry as anticipated. Lucien came 10:15PM. Very cold tonight. Letter today from Mrs. Case of Bowling Green.

Nov 5 - Very cold this morning. Silk from Miss Campbell rec'd this morning. Went to Horne's also Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny & then home this afternoon.

Nov 6 - Beautiful day. Engagement with Dentist this morning at 11AM. With Dentist until 1:30PM - tooth now ready to be crowned. Went shopping & also to Lucien's office but too late for Lunch so I fasted. Mrs. Gill in this morning so we will go to concert together in a carriage tomorrow evening. Met Mrs. Chalfant this evening. Wrote Ed & Will to send to Phil a couch. Bedford Water came today & 1/2 of bottles are broken.

Nov 7 - Beautiful but cool. Mrs. Weyles (the foreign lady) came up to see my rugs this morning. Called on Mrs. Brooks this morning. The day of orchestra concert, also "Founders Day" at Carnegie Library. Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland here for the occasion. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland in box at Concert. The Gill's & ourselves went in a carriage. Reached home 11:30PM. Delightful concert & Hall. Every seat taken. Wore red silk waist with elbow sleeves & long gloves. Saw Annie Rolf & Bess Hoege at Concert.

Nov 8 - Quite cold - must have rained during the night. After breakfast went shopping for some material of lace to match my gown I am making over. Saw Annie Rolf & Sister Bess on street and they gave me the remembrance sent by their mother - a book "She Who Will Not When She May". Wrote Phil today also made him a cushion. Lucien forgot this was my Natal day & says we are going to celebrate tomorrow when Phil comes. Sad that Mrs. Brady has forgotten me. Cut out my Lace gown. Letter from Miss Hall.

Nov 9 - Raining very little this morning. Sewing on my lace dress. Going to see the play "Sham----" an Irish play this evening & expect Phil in time to go. Two callers today which surprised me - Mrs. Bruce's of Wheeling & some relation, Mrs. Reese of Pitts. Phil not here in time for show so Lucien & I went. Lucien gave Miss Holderby's mother & Julia tickets for same. Phil not here tonight. Bought 2 lbs candy for him tomorrow.

Nov 10 - Mr. Coleman of Chicago came this morning by invitation, so Lucien called a carriage & I was driven to Church before they took their drive. (On coming home found Phil here (his train late). Mr. Coleman here to Lunch. Lucien, Phil & I called on Bess Hoege at Mrs. Rolf's. Phil going to stay all night. Sent Mr. Lion the book "Crises".

Nov 11 - Phil left for Wheeling or Moundsville 7:55AM & will take Dr. Reefer with him to see horse "George". Gave Phil his Pin Cushion. Dreary day. Wrote Mary Campbell for some white silk.

Nov 12 - In all morning. Wrote Mrs. Hoege today, thanking her for her gift. Late this afternoon went to Dentist's & Lucien's office as he wanted to see me, but did not find him in!

Nov 13 - After breakfast went to call on Mrs. Barnes of Texas (Dallas) at Hotel Lincoln & took her to Phipps Conservatory, Shenley Park to see the beautiful Chrysanthium Show & from there to Carnegie Library to see the Art Gallery & Museum & then we went down City - Mrs. Barnes to Hotel & I to dentist & home in time for Lunch. Expected the Barnes to dinner but they left the City early in the afternoon. Cold & sun came out about 1PM. So\ilk came ordered Monday.

Nov 14 - First snow of the season - found ground & houses covered on awakening. Lucien left this morning with satchel packed as he leaves this evening with Herron for Chicago, St. Louis & Indiana - will be gone about ten days. Home all day & sewing on Lace gown. Wrote Mary Lewis I am coming to visit on Saturday. Lucien had to persuade me last night to go to Michigan for a short visit but the white ground this morning settled the matter.

Nov 15 - Telephone message from Miss Holderby - mail for me at office. After lunch went for my mail, also shopped some. Letter from Chic inviting us to dinner Thanksgiving. Roy sick with "Tonsillitis". Wrote Phil & Tommy, also Lucien at St. Louis. Cold and disagreeable.

Nov 16 - Trying to snow this morning. Sent baggage to East Liverpool by Express. Letters from Mrs. Hoege and Mary saying it will suit their convenience for me to come now. Will leave for E-L- 2:30PM. Missed Train, left at 5:45PM. Billy met me at Station. Had supper in station before leaving. Found all well. Letter from Tommy awaited me at East Liverpool inviting me down to visit him.

Nov 17 - In the house all day only when we went to meals. Cloudy & dreary - typical November weather! Ed the only representative at Church. Mary had head ache nearly all day.

Nov 18 - Another dark day. Baggage came this morning by express that I sent Saturday. Mary & I selected each a Medicine Cabinet & I paid for mine $10.00 (wholesale price). Spent the day in the store.

Nov 19 - A typical Nov day! In store all morning - the only amusement here! Mary went to reception this afternoon at 4:30PM & I kept house & sewed, on my Lace gown.

Nov 20 - Dreary day. Spent most of day in store. After supper assisted the boys in making a carpet. Brother not looking well.

Nov 21 - Day of the "Special Stool Sale" so we spent most of the day in store as I was very amused - about 200 stools sold. Cloudy nearly all day. Letter from Lucien saying he will reach home Friday morning. I sent my dress suit case by express this evening. This afternoon Mary's day home but no one came. Bought some furniture polish from the boys. Watched the boys cut and make a carpet with the machine after supper. Ed & Will went to a dance.

Nov 22 - Left East Liverpool 7:50AM . Brother went to Station. Reached Pitts 50 min late, went direct to Lucien's office but he was out, from there to Dr. Garland's (Dentist) and the Dr. put the crown on my eye tooth root. Came out to Hotel for Lunch. Lucien returned this morning, he telephoned this afternoon that he will not be home for dinner as he has so much work. Found considerable mail - 2 beautiful Chine Plates, A book & medicine cabinet. Letter from Phil & he is just in his new room - his Morris chair came last week. Anna Roff & Bess Hoege were here on the 19th & left their card. First day of sunshine this week!

Nov 23 - Lucien came home lst evening 11:30PM. Raining this morning. Mrs. Gill called. She has bad cold. Mrs. White still sick in room. Wrote Chic last evening & accepted her invitation for "Thanksgiving". Phil leaves Lancaster this evening for Pitts and will visit until after Thanksgiving. Dress suit case came this morning. Mr. & Mrs. Barnes of Texas here this evening for dinner. Telegram here this evening at dinner from Phil saying he cannot reach here until Monday morning. Rained all day.

Nov 24 - Still raining this morning. Mr. Arthur Bennett, new Supt for Cambridge factory here for dinner. Rained all day & still raining this evening. Mr. & Mrs. Weyler sent up their cards.

Nov 25 - Rain continued & looks very as though it would never cease. First meeting today of all the Supt of N.G.C. Went to Dentists & from there to Lucien's office to see my boy who reached the city this morning - found them all at Lunch. Lucien & Phil left the Hotel just after dinner to go to show as tickets had been bought for all the supt's.

Nov 26 - Very cold this morning & snowing. Last day of the meeting of Supt's of N.G. Co. Phil came home to diner but Lucien remained to work this evening as his mail had accumulated. All the office force & supt's of the N.G. Co were taken to a show last night. Went over to see Miss Spear as she is sick & found a nurse with her. Lucien came about 11PM, very tired. Mrs. Brooks called this evening.

Nov 27 - Cold & snowing a little this A.M. Lucien took our baggage down this morning as we leave this afternoon for Wheeling, will spend Thanksgiving with Chic. Phil goes with us. Phil & I went to storage house of Haugh & Keenan to get Tapestry Painting from there I went to Dentist & then home to Lunch. Phil taking same train for Wellsburgh & will join us on our train at some point. Phil joined us at Wellsburgh & we reached Wheeling in time for supper at McLure, Tommy coming in late, so we spent evening in Tommy's room, retiring at 12PM.

Nov 28 - Thanks-Giving. Got up to late breakfast & visited a while with Tommy & then went to "Browne Bros" - Lucien & Phil both measured for clothes from there went direct to Martin's Ferry; Lucien & Phil going to Hopkins Mold Shop & I to Chic's, found Roy & Kate there, the other children not home for Thanksgiving. L & P came later. Fine dinner of turkey & accompaniments. Mother Wood came over & after Carolyn & Louise & then Russell. All left 6PM for Wheeling & went to McLure for baggage & L & I took 7:30PM train & Phil will take 9:30PM train for Lancaster. Reached Pittsburgh 10:00PM. Snow on ground this morning. Cold today.

Nov 29 - Cold & dark this morning as though snow storm was not ended. Ground covered several inches I should judge. Sent L's new pants to be pressed this morning. Miss King - housekeeper sent us several rugs (Turkish ones she had been using in Hotel of mine) as Phil wants them for his room. Evening of Orchestra concert - but Lucien don't seem to care to go so we shall stay at home. Went over to see Miss Spear who has been sick.

Nov 30 - Sent check to Iken (2nd Quarter). Lucien's new books came this morning - "The World's Great Classics". Went over to see Miss Spear after Lunch & after that took a constitutional walk over to "The Village" (East Liberty). Very disagreeable under foot - snow melting.

Dec 1 - Warmer today & sun shinning. Lucien did not care to go to Church this morning. Mr. Bennett came after Lunch & we took a walk & Mr. B- remained for dinner & spent evening with us. Mr. Ammon visited with us down stairs. Sent regards to Mr. Felker by Mr. Bennett.

Dec 2 - Cloudy this morning & showers predicted.

Dec 3 - Lucien not going tonight as expected. Very cold today & snow on the ground.

Dec 4 - Mrs. Brooks in and spent the morning & after Lunch I took her down to the Nat'l sample room & she selected some cut tumblers for her daughter-in-law. Quite cold & the side walks dangerous - icy. Ordered Monogram & Stationary for Mary. Also bought Lucien's present. Bought piece of burlap to sew the Turkish rugs in, to ship to Phil. We reached home after both shopping about 5:30PM. Lucien not going away as expected.

Dec 5 - Rolled up the Rugs to ship Phil, - Royal Bokera, Mossul & Anotolian - sewed them in Burlap. Went to Bogg's & Buhl's & bought Mary's waist - silk - & bought Emb. flowered - blue emb in red silk dots for myself. Lucien thought he would leave this evening for "Uniontown & Fairmont". Home too late for Lunch, so I fasted. Went to early dinner & whilst there, Lucien surprised my by coming home & found me in dining room.

Dec 6 - Lucien left this morning for Uniontown & Fairmont. Mess. Herron & Case will leave this evening or tomorrow morning. Wrote Philip I had shipped his rugs which went today. After sent Mary the silk waist pattern & wrote her. Took the price book down to Julia as promised Lucien & went to Bogg's & Buhl's & bought my brown silk waist to match my "Tailor-made suit". Beautiful day.

Dec 7 - Beautiful & bright today. Cut out blue flannel emb. with red silk, waist & completed it enough to wear to breakfast. Lucien surprised me by coming home about 8:30PM as I did not expect him until tomorrow morning, but so glad to see him. Mr. Herron came back with Lucien. Went to East Liberty this morning for spring silk & bought little "mouse" to send little Tom.

Dec 8 - Got up too late for Church, so read all morning. After Lunch took a long walk - walked to Carnegie Library & visited the Picture Gallery. Ret'd by St. Car. Mr. Burley called this evening.

Dec 9 - Raining this morning and quite warm. Letter from Tommy saying he leaves for Colorado on the 14th to see the "mine" prospect. Trust it is all it is represented to be. Bill from Mr. Nagle. Mrs. Gill in for a short time. Letter from Will Lewis saying Book-Case had been shipped & would reach here about the 11th. Letter from Tommy.

Dec 10 - Looked very like rain this morning but cleared off 1PM. Shopped all afternoon, bought various things for little Tom & Ties & Handkerchiefs for brother Tommy. Letter from Chic saying Chip wants to come to reunion on Xmas. Lucien & I joined a party downtown & went to Mt. Olivet to see some beautifully etched glass at Mr. Locke's home, where the work is done. Lucien saw Will Rolf on the St. & invited Annie & Bess to Lunch with me tomorrow. Saw Mrs. Graham & Annie for the first (At Horne's store).

Dec 11 - Beautiful & warm. Sent Tommy's package by xpress, also wrote him & Phil & a note to Mrs. Graham.

Dec 12 - Annie Rolf here to Lunch today & after we went to Porter to see display of fancy work which is sent Mrs. Harding every year by Widow of Clergymen to dispose of. I bought a number of things & Annie Rolf a small picture frame. Bess Hoege left yesterday for home. Wrote Mrs. Bowly and Chic. Lucien came home late to dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Thompson called. Lucien left for New York 10PM, not very well - bilious & a cold. Finished the "Japanese Nightingale".

Dec 13 - Bright & warm today. Am right sick from the calomel I took last night - have been sort of lying around all day. Lucien had letter from Phil yesterday- his gas will "come in a gusher". Home all day. Quite a sore throat this evening. Retired early.

Dec 14 - Up 5AM. Throat quite sore. Raining this morning. Still warm. Very miserable all day. Wrote Carolyn Wood a note inviting them to drive with us Xmas at Will's. Getting colder this evening. Rained all day.

Dec 15 - Am better today but very weak. Surprised to find Ground covered with snow. Very cold today. Wrote Lucien last evening. Mrs. Holmes in this morning. Called in to see Mrs. Graham who is sick with cold. Wrote Philip. Xmas remembrance from Tommy - chk $100.00. He leaves for Colorado 5AM this morning.

Dec 16 - Thornton had trouble with the Singer family yesterday at noon & was removed from our table to the ordinary. Zero this morning. Lucien did not come as expected. Mrs. Brooks in this morning & I went in there (her room) until my roms were dusted. Went up to see Mrs. Gill about the Facinator I wanted for Alice & we both went to Lunch together. Am making over my old "Satin Duchess" into a Petticoat.

Dec 17 - After breakfast went down to Lucien's office. He reached Pitts 10AM (several hours late) from there went shopping - had Lunch in Allegheny at King's Daughters - bought dress for Misses Edith Belle & E----, silk waists for Beck & Kitty, Dressing jacket for Em. Ties for the Lewis boys. Lucien came home late to dinner. Dreadful tragedy occurred early this morning in house adjoining Kenmawr grounds - a young woman shot down by a burglar in her rooms. She was dead when found. Mrs. Brooks in this evening, gave Lucien check for Glassware. Lucien brought home a lovely box of Lowery's Candy.

Dec 18 - Eight above Zero this morning. Bright & I trust will get warmer. Letters yesterday at Lucien's office from Chic, Caroline Wood & Shirley. Also letter from Mrs. Bowly & note from Annie Graham here t Kenmawr. Walked over to the village after Lunch & bought Saxony yarn to make deep scallop on Em's dressing sacque. Mary Lewis' stationary came today and the monagram is very nicely done. Lucien came late to dinner. Letter from Shirley yesterday. Lucien subscribed for magazines at office as they take up a collection each year for magazines & papers. ($2.50)

Dec 19 - After breakfast went down to Horne's to exchange some of the envelopes sent out with Mary's paper, as they were soiled. Bought for Antionette a pair of blk. Kid Gloves and a fountain pen for Mrs. Bowly. Also pencils & cards for score or drawing cards. Eight units of the Wernicke book case came today but I only ordered four, so there is some mistake but we will need them sometime. Mrs. Gill called this morning & brought Facinator for Alice and sachet for corsets. Mrs. Brooks came in for me to tie up a package for her. Lucien came home late & very tired.

Dec 20 - 2 degrees below zero this morning. Have wrapped up all my packages to send away. Miss Spear in to call this morning, brought back "The Right of Way" & got "Crises". Too cold to go out today. Arrange my book cases today. Did not go to Orchestra Concert this evening but gave out tickets to Mrs. Chalfort & Miss Keller to use. Lucien & I spent evening in Mrs Brook's room. Very cold tonight.

Dec 21 - 1 degree above zero this morning. Went to Lucien's office after breakfast and he & I went to "Roberts Jewelry Store" & purchased Brooch for my-self with chk from Tommy (Emerald, Pearl & Diamond) & then I went to Allegheny and bought silk waist for Chic & Hdk'k's for Bird & Lunched over there. Mrs. Chalfort called whilst away. Bought cover for Phil's couch at Bogg's & Buhl's. Mrs. Brooks called this evening. Lucien brought home cut glass Bon-Bon dish for Shirley. Letter from Chic.

Dec 22 - Beautiful, bright but cold. Talked with Miss Lyon in Reception room this morning. Mailed checks to Antionette & Iken. Also sent package to Bird by mail. Called on Mrs. Merry & Sister, Mrs. Pressell. Met Mr. Hover. Three above zero this morning.

Dec 23 - Warmer this morning and looks like rain. All ready to leave for Wheeling. Gave Thornton, John & elevator boys money. Sent Phil's couch cover by express to Lancaster. Left Pitts 12:50PM for M-F-, reached there after stopping in Wheeling 5PM. Alice & Archie home. Slept with Alice. Warm.

Dec 24 - Col'd girl came this morning. Got up with sick head-ache but worked all day, turkeys and sauce all ready for Xmas. Lucien came about 8PM & Phil came later. Phil & Roy will sleep over at Mother Woods. The Barintz's girls also there as Mary Park Reinicke had not enough room. Carolyn Wood over & says this girl Ceddy will come tomorrow. Warm & disagreeable - think will still rain. Archie will meet Shirley & Mr. Houghawont on 10:30PM train & will take them out to Kate's. Kate down for a short time this evening.

Dec 25 - Xmas morning but how disagreeable - raining. All came early to dinner. Ernest Smith kindly came to drive to make the number fourteen. Presents on table & covered with smilax. Dinner fine. Mrs. Zuginfelder served the ice and ice creak and cake. Jeanette McGrew sick. Ended up festivities with a dance - Virginia Reel etc. Lucien, Phil & I left for Lancaster 8:30PM. Wretched day & evening. Lucien gave me two beautiful rugs or rather 1 Tabriz Rug & one lovely Kelim. Phil gave me a Carved Leather Jewel Box which is lovely & I rec'd a great many swell gifts. We gave Phil a Gladstone Satchel.

Dec 26 - Reached Columbus in time for breakfast which we had at station & immediately after took train for Lancaster. Lucien & Phil went direct to factory and I to Hillside Hotel in carriage. After dinner I went to factory with the boys & late in the afternoon Mr. Denzer & wife arrived so we then were driven to Hillside for supper & the rest of the family had the Mecca send down a Lunch & they worked until 10PM. The Denzer's succeeded in getting a room at some home. Philip has a beautiful room which he has given up to us. His couch cover arrived & looks very nice on.

Dec 27 - In most of the morning. Am making a pillow cover for Phil, bought the pillow & silk for cover here in Lancaster. After dinner Mrs. Denzer & I went to call on Mr. Shoevel & then home & I spent the rest of the afternoon sewing on buttons & mending clothes for Philip. Changed his Pink Pin Cushion to red as his room is so red. The boys came home to supper very tired. Mary Lewis sent me a foreign purse to Martin's Ferry.

Dec 28 - Mrs. Denzer & I went to factory after breakfast and concluded to stay for Lunch as the boys had sent to Hotel for Lunch. Mrs. D- & I blew two bottles each in the factory. Left the factory at 4:30PM to pack up as we leave at 6:40PM. Raining this evening. Got our supper in Columbus & took sleeper at 10:30PM. We are all very tired tonight. Mr. D- & wife will stay all night in Columbus & take early train for Cincinnati.

Dec 29 - Raining this morning. Reached Pitt's 7:15AM & had an early breakfast at Kenmawr. Found presents from the Bruce family which are all nice, also a present from Mrs. Gill & one from Mrs. Brooks. Letter from Mary Lewis & one from Mrs. W.S. Brady. Lucien has gone to station to meet Shirley & husband who came on the 10:30AM train. Shirley & husband train late - got here just in time for Lunch. Rained all day, so of course did not go out. John has given us the Ordinary during the stay of our visitors.

Dec 30 - Snowing a little this morning. Ordered a carriage and took our visitors to Shenley Park via Buchard Blvd. Visited Phipps Conservatory & Carnegie Library, came home in time for Lunch. After went to Horne's & several stores & called on Lucien for a second. Lucien came late to dinner. My visiting cards came from Putnam's this morning.

Dec 31 - The first bright day since before Christmas. Walked over to the Village this morning, had early Lunch & all went to Lucien's office to see samples (new lamps from Phil just arrived today - they are beautiful). Home all evening. Lucien came a little earlier. Curtis late on account of trouble with Car. Got cold in my eye today.

1901 was an eventful year for Lucien and Mary Martin. Lucien resigned as President of the Fostoria Glass Company and took a positon with the National Glass Corporation out of Pittsburgh, Pa. 1901 sees them leave Moundsville, West Virginia to embark on an adventure that will lead them to finally settle in Lancaster, Ohio - but that's another year!

Lucien and William Sobieski Brady (Son of Hugh Sobieski and Mary Elizabeth Scoville (Caldwell) Brady) were lured to Fostoria, Ohio in 1887 by a town who had a plan ready for a glass factory and just needed the players. At a meeting February 1, 1888 in Fostoria, Ohio, the following were elected as directors of the new Fostoria Glass Company: W.S. Brady, Otto Jeager, L.B. Martin, Charles Foster and Charles E. Beam. Lucien B. Martin was elected president of the firm. The largest holder of stock was Sarah (Hildreth) Brady (Mrs. W.S.) whose brother, B.M. Hildreth, was the Sales Manager.

When the glass supply diminished in Fostoria the Company closed its doors (December 31, 1891) and moved to Moundsville, West Virginia. They, of course, retained the name "Fostoria" and most of the workers moved with the Company. Unfortunately, we only have Mary Emma's diaries from 1900 - the year she turned 50! William Brady resigned from the Fostoria in 1900, but retained a financial interest. Lucien followed in 1901.

Family connections - the following genealogy shows the "relationship" between Lucien and Brady:


Jonathan Zane b. 1749 d. 1823
m. Hannah Mills

Isaac Zane Sally Zane Brother & Sister
m. Mary French m. E. Hildreth
| |
Minerva Zane Dr. E.A. Hildreth First Cousins
m. Ebenezer Martin
| |
Lucien Martin Sallie (Sarah) Zane Hildreth Second Cousins
m. Mary E. Lewis m. W.S. Brady

Lucien Martin and Sallie Zane Hildreth Brady were thus second cousins.

At the end of her 1901 Diary Mary kept the following lists and notes:

April 12 - Number of Barrels & Boxes Etc. Shipped O.R.R. to Pitts, Pa.

1 Phil's Books Box
2 Encyclopedia's etc Box
3 Brass Rods & Canes Box
4 Books Asst Box
5 Coffee Mill Box
6 Books Asst Box
7 Leather Chair Crated
8 Books Asst Box
9 Writing Desk Crated
10 Packing Chest Chest
11 Chiffonier Crated
12 Toilet Table Crated
13 Unit Book Case Crated
14 Buffet Crated
15 Top of Dining Tble Crated
16 Sideboard Crated
17 China Barrel
18 Bric-a-Brac Barrel
19 Samples (Glass) Barrel
20 China Barrel
21 Chafing Dish, Coffee, etc Barrel
22 Chamber Set Barrel
23 China Barrel
24 Glass Barrel
25 China Barrel
26 China Barrel
27 China Barrel
28 China Barrel
29 Cut Glass & Champagne Barrel
30 Candelabra etc Barrel
31 Candelabra etc Barrel
32 Bric-a-Brac Barrel
33 Dining Table Legs Crated
34 Piano Crated
35 Pictures - Oil Crated
36 Liquors Box
37 Kitchen Utensils Box
38 Seat for Piano Crated
39 Chair with Bokara Seat Crated
40 Dining Chair Crated
41 Dining Chair Crated
42 Dining Chair Crated
43 Dining Chair Crated
44 Dining Chair Crated
45 Dining Chair Crated
46 Bed Clothes & Pillows Box
47 Poles & Bows Wrapped
48 Brown Plush Chair Wrapped (missing)
49 Guns (2) Wrapped
50 Negatives Box
51 Plate Rack (Old Flemish) Wrapped
52 Table leaves Crated
53 T.L's Trunk - not numbered
54 M.E.L.'s Trunk not numbered

In T.L's trunk - Table linen, bed linen, towels & some curtains
In Chiffonier - Sofa Pillows & Candlesticks
In Side-board cloths
In Buffet - Candle shade holders
In M.E.L's trunk - sheets, pillow cases & old towels, also quilts & some bed clothes, also spare room pillow & down comfort.
Lamp Globes & Colognes in barrel marked samples.
Silverware deposited at "The Safe Deposit & Trust Co", Pitts, Pa (Valuation $150.00

About Dec 1st 1 crate of Crayons sent to storage.

Ladies at Kenmawr (I have Met)

Miss Spear
Miss Bradley
Mrs. Adams & Mr. (housekeeping Apr. 1902)
Mrs. Galloway
Mrs. Ainesley (moved away from Hotel 1901)
Mrs. McKee
Mrs. Hartje & Mr.
Miss Hartje
Mrs. Braden & Judge (leave Oct 15 1901 for California)
Mrs Holmes & Mr.
Mrs. White (moved to Indianapolis 1901)
Mrs. Laughlin & Mr.
Mrs. Gill & Mr.
Mrs. Skull (went to housekeeping Apr 1902)
Mrs. Plummer (went to housekeeping Apr 1902)
Miss Robinson
Mrs. Brooks
Mrs. McFadden & husband
Mrs. Harding & daughter
Mrs. & Mr. Weyler (foreigners)temporary 1901 home Austria
Mrs. & Mr. White (the Pianist) left for Chicago Spring 1902)
Mrs. Chalfont (married Apr 1902)
Mrs & Miss Keller & Mother
Mrs. Marshal & daughter Mrs. Davis - Went back to their home Apr 1902
Miss Singer & brother
Mrs. Quincy
Mrs. Morgan
Mrs. & Mr. Berry (Celebrated their 60th Wedding anniversary Spring 1902)
Mrs. McClung Hayes Sr. (housekeeping Apr 1902)
Mrs. Davis & Son
Mrs. & Mr. Singer (formerly Miss Morgan) left to travel summer 1902
Mrs. & Mr. Ford & Daughter
Mrs. & Mr. Griscomb & Son
Mrs. & Mr. Robinson
Miss Thornton
Mrs. Beaver (wife of one of the Supreme Judges)
Mrs. Rice (wife of one of the Supreme Judges)
Mrs. & Mr. Williams
Miss Ludlow (Mrs. Williams Sister & Visitor)
Mrs. & Mr. Wilson
Mrs. & Mr. Weber (new party from Shenley Hotel)
Mrs. & Dr. Snead (Pres. Minister)
Mrs. & Mr. Lincoln & daughter & son (English people in this country temporarily)
Mrs. & Mr. Wood (formerly Miss Biglow)
Mrs., Mr., & Miss Blauter (English)


Dr. Goulding 239 Shady Ave Telephone 399 East

Randolph & McClements East Liberty Telephone E, 25
St. Highland & Ba---

Livery - Mr. Williams Telephone 1443 East

Mr. Merry Shady Ave Corner
# 201 Eveline St

Mrs. Will Rolf #403 Oakland
Moved to Cambridge

Mrs. Reese #5504 Margaretta St

Miss Closs #5714 Margaretta St

Mrs. Clinton H. Brace #5507 Margaretta St Telephone 90 East P&A

Christmas Account

Tommy - Hdk'f's & Ties 4.25
Little Tom - Hdk'f's & etc 2.11
Alice Wood - Facinator 1.75
Mrs. Brady - safety pin holder & satchet 1.10
Mary Bruce - Purse 2.25
Roy & Phil Collar Button Boxes 1.00
Chip 1.50
L---------- 7.50
Mary Lewis - Stationary 1.85
Mrs. Bruce - Cut Bowl 5.00
Ties for Billy, Ed & Will 1.50
Dress - M 3.00
Dress - Edith B 2.50
Dress - Emma 1.40
Silk Waist - Beck 3.00
Silk Waist - Kitty 1.25
Dressing Sacque - Em .75
Gloves Kid - Antionette 2.00
Fountain Ben (Mrs. Bowly) 2.50
Silk waist for Chic 3.20
Hdk'f's for Bird .75
Couch Cover for Phil 5.00
Kate M- 5.00
Check to Iken & Nettie 20.00
John - head waiter 5.00
Thornton - waiter 5.00
Two elevator boys 2.00
Maggie - Dress 3.00
Laundry List for Prize 1.00
Thomas 5.00
Christmas dinner 20.00
Rugs from Lucien 125.00
Phil's Satchel 10.00
Phil's shirt & Tie 3.00
Cards etc for Christmas 3.00


1 Diamond Ring 480.00
1 Brooch Pin 75.00
1 Watch - Pearls & Emerald 65.00
1 Cameo Brooch 30.00
1 Cameo Brooch 75.00
1 Opal & Diamond Ring 80.00
1 Plain Gold 20.00

Turkish Rug Account 1900 & 1901

1900 Rugs at Donchain Bros, N.Y 185.00
1900 Kis-Kelim for Couch 25.00
1900 2 Mossels at Horne's Pitts 64.00

1901 Bought of Donchain Bros NY
1 large Kirman for Dining Room 150.00
1 Kirman-Shah (Antique) 100.00
2 Bokara Strips 16.00
1901 2 Bokara Mats 16.00 $ 16.00

1902 Bought of Juaisarh Bros Atlantic City
1 Siek Rug - Size 6'5"" + 4'3" 125.00
1 Tabriz Rug - Size 6'6" + 4'4" 150.00
1 Anatolian - Size 6 + 3'10" 30.00

1901 December
1 Antique Tabriz - Xmas Gift 75.00
1 fine Kelim 50.00

1902 Bought at Atlantic City 1 Kazak 21.00
Bought at Donchain Bros - 1 Persia 75.00
$ 96.00


1 comment:

  1. plasterer surrey
    Please continue to write more because it’s unusual that someone has something interesting to say about this. Will be waiting for more!
